Alissa Ricioppo

Sociétaire | Calgary


Portrait de Alissa Ricioppo
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Significant changes to Canadian trademark proceedings and official marks coming soon

The Canadian Government has published long-awaited proposed amendments to Canada’s Trademarks Regulations (the “Regulations”). In a recent public consultation, the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (“CIPO”) sought feedback on the proposed amendments to the Regulations. The proposed changes are published in […]


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Telugu Association of North America: A case of infringement in the non-profit world

In a recent decision, the Federal Court dealt with a claim brought by a U.S. based non-profit, Telugu Association of North America (the “Applicant”), against a Canadian federal corporation and various individuals (collectively the “Respondents” and each a “Respondent”) for […]


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AI in music: The Drake/Tupac case and beyond

In a matter of days, Drake’s latest release went from making headlines around the world to being taken down amidst threats of legal action from the estate of arguably one of the most revered and popular rap artists of all […]


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Influencer marketing: How to keep your practices compliant

As influencer marketing continues to grow in popularity as a method of brand promotion and advertising, Ad Standards has recognized this trend and recently published an updated version of its Influencer Disclosure Guidelines (the “Guidelines”). As a result, now is […]


Mesures pratiques pour aider votre entreprise à se préparer à la nouvelle législation canadienne en matière de protection de la vie privée : Loi 25 du Québec et le projet de loi fédéral C-27

La législation sur la protection de la vie privée au Canada est en plein changement – voici un guide pratique pour aider les entreprises à s’adapter à la Loi 25 du Québec et au projet de loi C-27 du gouvernement fédéral. Le […]


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Advertising & Marketing 2023 – Canada

Chambers Global Practice Guides: Advertising & Marketing

Jaclyne Reive, Catherine Dennis Brooks, Alexandre Ajami and Alissa Ricioppo author the chapter covering Canadian law and practice, and trends and developments in the 2023 edition of Chambers Global Practice Guide for Advertising & Marketing. Covering 26 jurisdictions, the Guide […]


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Recent consultation on potential amendments to the cannabis regulations

Health Canada recently sought public feedback on potential amendments to the Cannabis Regulations (the “CR”), which were proposed to reduce current regulatory burdens while still addressing public health and safety risks. Noting that the legal cannabis industry has matured since […]


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Tackling privacy and cybersecurity challenges as critical parts of ESG success

Privacy and cybersecurity have evolved to take on major socio-political implications in recent years. Cybersecurity is currently one of the most serious enterprise risks facing Canadian businesses. It is also one of the greatest threats to national security and global […]


L’avenir de l’IA générative dans le secteur du divertissement : considérations juridiques et occasions nouvelles

Depuis des années, les avancées dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle (« IA ») fascinent les gens de tous les secteurs d’activité – en 2017, PwC a prévu que l’apport de l’IA à l’économie mondiale dépasserait les 15 000 milliards de dollars […]


Les ACVM renforcent la réglementation des plateformes de négociation de cryptoactifs non inscrites

Le 22 février 2023, les Autorités canadiennes en valeurs mobilières (les « ACVM ») ont publié l’Avis 21-332 du personnel des ACVM: Plateformes de négociation de cryptoactifs : engagements préalables à l’inscription, Changements visant à rehausser la protection des investisseurs canadiens (l’« Avis »). […]


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