Indication de prix partiel : une pratique interdite par la Loi sur la concurrence du Canada
Depuis les modifications apportées le 23 juin 2022 (les « modifications ») à la Loi sur la concurrence du Canada (la « Loi »), l’indication de prix partiel est reconnue expressément comme une pratique commerciale trompeuse. Elle est donc interdite par les dispositions civiles (paragraphe 74.01(1.1)) et […]
Les indications « Produit du Canada » et « Fait au Canada »
Les indications « Produit du Canada » et « Fait au Canada » (les indications d’origine canadienne) peuvent être un outil de marketing utile pour les entreprises qui souhaitent différencier leurs produits et attirer les consommateurs qui souhaitent acheter des produits canadiens dans la […]
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ECCC Consultation on Food Contact Plastic Packaging Pollution Prevention Plan Requirements
On August 1, 2023, Environment and Climate Change Canada (“ECCC”) published a consultation document to gather views on a proposed requirement for certain retail parties in the food supply chain to develop and implement a pollution prevention plan pursuant to […]
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Proposed policy on food advertisements directed to children in Canada
Editor’s note: since the date of this article being published, Health Canada has extended the deadline to provide feedback to the Proposed Policy to June 19, 2023. Health Canada has released a policy update which indicates that it intends to […]
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Recent consultation on potential amendments to the cannabis regulations
Health Canada recently sought public feedback on potential amendments to the Cannabis Regulations (the “CR”), which were proposed to reduce current regulatory burdens while still addressing public health and safety risks. Noting that the legal cannabis industry has matured since […]
Projet de loi 96 modifiant la Charte de la langue française : principales répercussions pour les titulaires d’une marque de commerce
Le 24 mai 2022, l’Assemblée nationale du Québec a adopté le projet de loi 96, Loi sur la langue officielle et commune du Québec, le français (le « projet de loi 96 »), sanctionné le 1er juin 2022, qui modifie la Charte de la langue française (la « Charte ») […]
Consultations sur le projet réglementaire visant la déclaration des allergènes du parfum sur les étiquettes de cosmétiques (jusqu’au 22 avril 2023)
Dernièrement, Santé Canada a annoncé son projet de modification du Règlement sur les cosmétiques pour exiger la déclaration des allergènes du parfum sur les étiquettes. L’organisme a lancé des consultations sur le sujet auprès des parties intéressées. Les professionnels du […]
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Reminder: New Canadian requirements for food and beverage product advertising that may be directed to children
Ad Standards Canada (“Ad Standards”) has indicated that, later in 2023, it will begin administering and enforcing the Code for the Responsible Advertising of Food and Beverage Products to Children (the “Code”), which requires advertisers to use caution when advertising […]
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New regulations for supplemented foods
In 2022, Health Canada introduced the Supplemented Foods Regulations to help better safeguard consumer health and safety while also providing a clear regulatory framework for supplemented foods. The requirements for supplemented foods, including compositional and labelling requirements, are outlined in […]
Bilan de l’année 2022 – Le point sur les questions de droit en matière de marketing, de publicité et de conformité des produits au Canada
L’année 2022 s’est révélée fort intéressante dans les domaines de la publicité, du marketing et de la conformité des produits au Canada. En effet, nous avons assisté à un certain nombre d’avancées juridiques, que ce soit sur le plan des modifications […]
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Food labelling in Canada: New Food Product Innovation initiative changes
On July 6, 2022, the Government of Canada made several changes to the Food and Drugs Regulations (“FDR”) and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (“SFCR”) (collectively referred to as the “Regulations”). These changes are the result of Canada’s Food Product Innovation […]
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Changes to Canadian natural health products labelling requirements
Following an increase in the use of natural health products (“NHPs”) among Canadians, Health Canada recently released the “Regulations Amending the Natural Health Products Regulations” (the “Amending Regulations”), which came into force on June 21, 2022. These Amending Regulations introduce […]
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New mandatory front-of-package nutrition symbol for certain food products in Canada
Front-of-Package Labeling Requirements On June 30th the Federal Minister of Health announced new regulations relating to a mandatory front-of-package nutrition symbol on all prepackaged foods high in sodium, sugars or saturated fat. The symbol has been introduced as a tool […]
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Consultation on new guidance for foods sold through e-commerce (open until July 8, 2022)
Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) are seeking feedback to inform their development of voluntary guidance for businesses when selling food and beverages to consumers through e-commerce. The guidance would relate to food information, such as labelling […]
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Consultations on mandatory labelling of chemicals in consumer products in Canada – Register by March 25, 2022
Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada are inviting interested parties to provide their input on how information on chemical ingredients in certain consumer products should be disclosed. These ongoing national consultations address mandatory labelling for chemicals in consumer […]
Projet de loi no 96 : Loi sur la langue officielle et commune du Québec, le français
Après une abondante couverture médiatique des changements anticipés à la Charte de la langue française (la « Charte »), le 13 mai dernier, le gouvernement du Québec a déposé à l’Assemblée nationale le projet de loi no 96 intitulé Loi sur la langue […]
Les concours internationaux ne sont plus tenus d’être inscrits au Québec
La province de Québec est le seul territoire de compétence au Canada à administrer un régime d’inscription régissant les loteries et les concours. Jusqu’à présent, tous les concours publicitaires ouverts aux résidents du Québec dont le prix était d’une valeur […]
Protéger votre compte Instagram : quatre méthodes pour éviter que votre compte ne soit désactivé
Les médias sociaux comme Instagram sont d’excellents outils pour les entreprises en ligne. Cependant, il y a un risque à mener ses activités professionnelles sur Instagram : la désactivation de compte. Quiconque a déjà fait appel d’une désactivation erronée sait que […]
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Competition Bureau cracks down on FlightHub’s marketing practices
On February 24, 2021, a consent agreement (the “Agreement”) was registered with the Competition Tribunal. The Competition Bureau (the “Bureau”) concluded that FlightHub Group Inc. (“FlightHub”), an online travel agency, charged customers hidden fees, authored positive customer reviews to promote […]
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The Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA): Increasing accountability and transparency
In a recent MT Cybersecurity Blog, we discussed Bill C-11, the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (the “CPPA”), which was introduced on November 17, 2020, by the Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry with the aim of modernizing federal privacy law […]
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Consent and the business activities exemption: A dive into the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA)
Now in its Second Reading, Bill C-11, the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (“CPPA”), is moving ever closer to adoption. The opening remarks by the Bill’s sponsor, MP Navdeep Bains, emphasized the law’s focus on control and consent with the aim […]
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Ad Standards releases 2019 ad complaints and disputes report
Ad Standards Canada (“Ad Standards”) recently published its report regarding ad complaints and disputes that it received in 2019. This article provides an overview and highlights the trends from 2019. Competitor complaints addressed misleading superiority and ranking claims. On the […]
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The Competition Bureau is wide awake: Hudson’s Bay Company to pay $4.5 million for deceptive advertising and pricing practices of its sleep sets
Hudson’s Bay Company has agreed to pay an administrative monetary penalty of $4,000,000 and $500,000 towards Competition Bureau costs to resolve a proceeding which started in 2017 relating to Hudson’s Bay Company advertising and pricing practices for its sleep sets […]
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Privacy Commissioner consultation on AI
Continuing to highlight the need for reform, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (“OPC”) has initiated a consultation on recommendations they have presented to adapt the private sector privacy statute Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) […]
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The Bureau targets privacy: Facebook Inc. to pay the Competition Bureau a $9M administrative monetary penalty for misleading representations
On May 19, 2020, the Competition Bureau (“Bureau”) registered a consent agreement with Facebook Inc. (“Facebook”) after investigating Facebook’s privacy claims in respect of its platform and Messenger service. The Bureau found that Facebook’s claims regarding a user’s ability to […]
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Hidden digital costs, unsubstantiated weight loss claims, and drip pricing the focus of the Competition Bureau’s newest Deceptive Marketing Practices Digest
The Competition Bureau of Canada (the “Bureau”) recently released the fifth volume of its Deceptive Marketing Practices Digest. In this latest edition, the Bureau has again focused on issues affecting consumers in the online marketplace, including deceptive privacy practices, unsubstantiated […]
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Drip pricing: StubHub enters into $1.3M consent agreement with Competition Bureau
On February 7, 2020, StubHub Canada Ltd. and StubHub Inc. (collectively “StubHub”) entered into a consent agreement with the Competition Bureau (the “Bureau”) after the Bureau’s investigation concluded that StubHub was advertising unattainable ticket prices on its websites, emails and […]