Bryan Buttigieg writes on health and safety liability for municipalities in Municipal World
Municipal World, "Has the risk of a municipality’s health and safety liability increased?"
The July 2024 issue of Municipal World features an article by Bryan Buttigieg analyzing a recent Supreme Court of Canada decision and the implications for health and safety liability: The decision of the Supreme Court of Canada last fall in […]
The ESG Challenge: Navigating the path between greenwashing and backlash claims
As the reporting of environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics has become more mainstream, at least with respect to large, publicly traded, corporations, the content of the reports and the implications of adopting ESG-friendly corporate practices are coming under increasing […]
Environmental Law 2023 – Canada: Trends & Developments
Chambers Global Practice Guides, p. 2-11
Bryan Buttigieg, Adina Georgescu, Selina Lee-Andersen and Christie McLeod are contributors for the 2023 edition of Chambers Global Practice Guides: Environmental Law. Their chapter highlights trends and developments across Canada including challenges to federal jurisdiction, an updated climate change plan, […]
The impacts of climate change on worker health and safety: What should employers be thinking about?
A heavy storm in Southern Ontario in the Spring of 2022 (labelled a “Derecho” by our meteorologists) caused extensive property damage over a wide swath of some of the most densely populated area of the country. It served as yet […]
Environmental Law 2022 – Canada: Trends & Developments
Chambers Global Practice Guides, p. 52-63
Bryan Buttigieg, Adina Georgescu, Darin Hannaford and Christie McLeod are contributors for the 2022 edition of Chambers Global Practice Guides: Environmental Law. Their chapter highlights trends and developments across Canada including COVID-19 adaptations, the increased focus on ESG, the response […]
Extreme weather events may give cause to rethink environmental due diligence systems
A recent heavy storm in Southern Ontario (labelled a “Derecho” by our meteorologists) caused extensive property damage over a wide swath of some of the most densely populated areas of the country. It served as yet another reminder of climate […]
Environmental Law 2021: Trends & Developments
Bryan Buttigieg, Adina Georgescu, Darin Hannaford and Christie McLeod co-author the Trends & Developments – Canada chapter in the Chambers and Partners Environmental Law 2021 Global Practice Guide. The chapter highlights current national developments on trending topics like climate change, […]
When Environmental Consultants’ Reports Trigger Litigation Time Limits
Canadian Consulting Engineer - Digital Edition
Bryan Buttigieg’s article is published in the most recent edition of the Canadian Consulting Engineer (pages 20-21). The intersection of legal and engineering issues is quite evident in the context of environmental site investigation reports – most commonly in the […]
Episode 6: The role of an environmental expert in legal matters
Listen to Ep. 6 of Morning Commute with Miller Thomson. In this episode, we discuss the use of experts in an environmental law practice.
Episode 3: Mediating in the times of COVID-19 and beyond – Perspectives of the Miller Thomson Environmental Law Group
Listen to Episode 3 of Morning Commute with Miller Thomson. In this episode, we share tips and insights on how to be an effective advocate in online mediation.