Karen L. Weslowski

Associée | Vancouver


Portrait de Karen L.  Weslowski
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Bad faith & punitive damages update – case commentary – Stewart v. Lloyd’s Underwriters

Introduction Recently, in Stewart v. Lloyd’s Underwriters, 2019 BCSC 1582, the British Columbia Supreme Court considered a claim for punitive damages arising from the insurer’s alleged breach of its duty of good faith.  Ultimately, the court agreed that punitive damages […]


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Material Misrepresentation and Material Change in Risk: BC Case Commentaries

Introduction In two recently released cases, the British Columbia Supreme Court considered an insurer’s ability to have an insurance policy declared void ab initio by reason of material misrepresentation and material change in risk.  The insurer was successful in one […]


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Construction on First Nations Land: Determining the Applicable Building Code

Introduction As recognized by the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples, most on-reserve housing and infrastructure is poorly built, in serious disrepair and under-supplied.[1]  This recognition has led to an increase in construction projects on First Nations lands, which will […]


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Clarifying the “Trilogy” and the Covenant to Insure: Royal Host GP Inc. v. 1842259 Ontario Ltd.

Introduction In Royal Host GP Inc. v. 1842259 Ontario Ltd., 2018 ONCA 467, the Ontario Court of Appeal reversed the motion judge’s decision, clarified what is known as the “Trilogy” and allowed a landlord to advance a subrogated action against […]


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Record Keeping: Document Retention Recommendations for Building Professionals

Introduction Practically speaking, it is often inconvenient and costly for building professionals to keep project files; understandably, they do not wish to retain files any longer than necessary.  In British Columbia, the provisions of the Limitation Act, S.B.C. 2012, c. […]


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Limitation of Liability Clauses: Are They Enforceable and Effective?

A frequent issue raised by design consultants is the extent to which they can limit liability for claims through limitation of liability clauses.  Although such clauses are enforceable, recent case law raises questions as to their practical effectiveness. Enforceability of […]


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