Séminaires Miller Thomson

Séminaires et conférences à venir, mettant en vedette les avocats et groupes d’expertise de Miller Thomson.

La confiance que nous témoignent nos clients est le socle sur lequel repose toute véritable relation commerciale durable. Miller Thomson nourrit cette confiance de manière proactive grâce aux connaissances et idées nouvelles mises en commun avec le milieu des affaires. Nos conseillers juridiques de tous les secteurs et de tous les domaines d’expertise organisent régulièrement des séminaires et des conférences partout au Canada afin d’y aborder les préoccupations juridiques et commerciales du moment.


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23 Avr 2020
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

COVID-19 and Construction in Ontario: Updates and Considerations

Vaughan, Toronto

COVID-19’s impacts are real and growing and stakeholders in Ontario’s construction industry must consider the various impacts of COVID-19.  Moreover, legal rights and obligations for those in Ontario’s construction industry are evolving (and will continue to evolve) as Ontario adapts to […]


22 Avr 2020
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Coffee Talk: Health Industry Seminar Series – Virtual Care: A Legal Checklist


COVID-19 has placed significant pressure on the ability to deliver in-person care. Health providers across the Province are looking at ways to adapt to alternate models of care using technology. Virtual Care can be an effective way to deliver services, […]


21 Avr 2020
Miller Thomson logo Miller Thomson logo

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Covid 19 – Key legal issues for your charity or non profit organization to consider – Part III

Life as we know it has changed considerably and so is the way we do busy. As the coronavirus situation continues, we have seen a range of legal questions emerge for charities across the sector. We are here to help. […]


14 Avr 2020
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( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Covid 19 – Key legal issues for your charity or non profit organization to consider – Part II

Life as we know it has changed considerably and so is the way we do busy. As the coronavirus situation continues, we have seen a range of legal questions emerge for charities across the sector. We are here to help. […]


9 Avr 2020
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Occupational Health and Safety Law: Issues in Pandemic Times

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 presents unique challenges to employers tasked with ensuring health and safety in today’s workplace. Join Miller Thomson’s occupational health and safety experts for a seminar on issues that currently pose challenges to companies across Canada. […]


7 Avr 2020
Miller Thomson logo Miller Thomson logo

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

Covid 19 – Key legal issues for your charity or non profit organization to consider – Part I

Life as we know it has changed considerably and so is the way we do busy. As the coronavirus situation continues, we have seen a range of legal questions emerge for charities across the sector. We are here to help. […]


27 Mar 2020
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COVID-19 Addressing the Pandemic and the Panic in the Workplace: The Sequel

Calgary, Edmonton, Montréal, Vancouver

The National L&E group is pleased to invite you to part two of our webinar coverage on COVID-19. In this webinar, we will provide a national overview on the topic with representatives from BC, AB and QC. Topics: Strategies and risks […]


26 Mar 2020
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Coffee Talk: Health Industry Seminar Series – Up to the Minute COVID-19 Developments


The Novel Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) was classified as a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020. This declaration has sparked worldwide alarm and unknowns as we continue to receive daily updates from all levels of government, public health […]


25 Mar 2020
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Coffee Talk – Board of Directors Series – Governance in COVID-19: Key Actions for Health Provider Boards of Directors


The Novel Coronavirus, referred to as COVID-19 is evolving rapidly and quickly becoming one of the most significant health crises of our time. On March 11, 2020 the World Health Organization identified the outbreak as a pandemic. Ontario has declared […]


23 Mar 2020
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COVID-19 dans le domaine de la restauration au Québec : Quoi faire?


Réponses aux questions fréquemment posées relativement aux impacts en milieu de travail de la COVID-19 pour les propriétaires et gestionnaires de restaurants Miller Thomson vous invite à vous joindre à sa conférence téléphonique visant à mettre à jour les propriétaires […]


Affichage de 131-140 of 150