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Updates on COVID-19 supports

19 mars 2021 | Lisa Goodfellow, Jenifer C. Gentle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

In light of the ongoing pandemic, the Federal Government has extended the following COVID-19 supports: Employment Insurance The number of weeks of EI regular benefits available has been extended by up to 24 weeks to a maximum of 50 weeks […]


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Paid vaccination leave

19 mars 2021 | Lisa Goodfellow, Jenifer C. Gentle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Saskatchewan has become the first jurisdiction in Canada to implement a paid leave to allow an employee to take time off work to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Saskatchewan’s The Occupational Health and Safety Regulations, 2020 have been amended to add a […]


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CRA’s views on charitable remainder trusts

18 mars 2021 | M. Elena Hoffstein, Brittany Sud

Impact Social

Introduction Charitable remainder trusts have been popular in the U.S. for some time but not as widely used in Canada as a result of differences in our tax regime.  A charitable remainder trust involves an individual who wishes to make […]


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Advisory committee on charitable sector: Report 1

18 mars 2021 | Sarah Fitzpatrick

Impact Social

On January 29, 2021, the Advisory Committee on the Charitable Sector issued its first report to the Honourable Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of National Revenue and Bob Hamilton, Commissioner of the Canada Revenue Agency. Established in 2019, the Advisory Committee is […]


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Pour over clauses and the Quinn estate

17 mars 2021 | Alexander Swabuk

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

Connections between Canadians and Americans have never been as abundant or transparent as they are now as many Canadians own American property, have American spouses or partners, and have children and grandchildren born or living in the United States. As […]


Loi concernant l’accélération de certains projets d’infrastructure (Québec, projet de loi 66)

11 mars 2021 | Adina Georgescu, Guillaume Conraud-Arès

Alerte environnement

I. Introduction Lors de la séance parlementaire du 23 septembre 2020, le gouvernement du Québec a déposé son nouveau projet de loi 66 – Loi concernant l’accélération de certains projets d’infrastructure (le « projet de loi 66 ») qui prévoit diverses mesures d’accélération applicables à certains […]


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New triggers requiring site disclosure statements: BC rolls out a new contaminated sites regime

11 mars 2021 | Sarah D. Hansen, LL.M., Steven Evans, Christie A. McLeod

Alerte environnement

Last month, amendments to British Columbia’s Environmental Management Act (“EMA”) and Contaminated Sites Regulation (“CSR”) came into force, altering how contaminated sites are identified in BC. When a site is classified as contaminated, it alerts the Ministry of Environment and Climate […]


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CPSO cautions doctor for “irresponsible” COVID-19 tweets

11 mars 2021 | Lauren Parrish, Lisa Spiegel

Communiqué sur la santé

In a trio of decisions, all released on February 6, 2021, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (“ICRC” or the “Committee”) of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (“CPSO”) ordered a physician to attend to be cautioned in […]


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Health and safety obligations on construction sites during the pandemic

11 mars 2021 | Inna Koldorf

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

Construction employers in Ontario have a duty under the Occupational Health and Safety Act to protect the health and safety of workers on construction sites. This duty includes the obligation to protect workers from COVID-19 and help prevent outbreaks at […]


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10 key recommendations from the Ontario Capital Markets Modernization Taskforce

10 mars 2021 | Jonathan Tong, Desmond J. Christy, Brandon Meyer

Alerte valeurs mobilières

Proposed revisions to continuous disclosure obligations, Ontario’s short selling regulatory regime and more Overview On January 22, 2021, the Ontario Capital Markets Modernization Taskforce (the “Taskforce”) published its 115-page final report (the “Report”) outlining over 70 recommendations with a view […]


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