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Political opinion about masks does not attract protection on the basis of creed

30 mars 2021 | Nadya Tymochenko

Bulletin matinal de droit de l’éducation

A recent decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (the “Tribunal”) may assist school boards, many of which have received requests for mask exemptions on the basis of “a sincerely held belief” by a parent that their child should […]


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Alberta Government expands rapid testing program

30 mars 2021 | Ian Wilson

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

UPDATE April 26, 2021:  Businesses and service providers that want to access free rapid tests from the Government of Alberta will no longer be required to have a health-care provider oversee their screening program.  For more information, see the Alberta […]


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Ontario releases 2021 Budget: Highlights from Ontario’s Plan for Protecting People’s Health

26 mars 2021 | Karima Kanani

Communiqué sur la santé

On March 24, 2021, Minister of Finance and President of the Treasury Board, Peter Bethlenfalvy released Ontario’s budget for 2021, Ontario’s Action Plan: Protecting People’s Health and Our Economy. The 2021 Budget is a response to COVID-19 and is the […]


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Ontario Government provides guidance for workplace COVID-19 testing

23 mars 2021 | Michael Cleveland

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On March 17, 2021, the provincial government published guidance for businesses and employees with respect to voluntary, supervised self-swabbing for COVID-19 via rapid antigen point-of-care tests. These tests can be performed at workplaces by trained individuals and do not require […]


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Bill 47 and Changes to the Alberta OHS Act

23 mars 2021 | Tari M. Hiebert, Tessa Green

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

A new Occupational Health and Safety Act has been introduced by Alberta’s Legislature that will come into effect on Proclamation.[1] Once it is proclaimed into force, the new Act will repeal the current Occupational Health and Safety Act, SA 2017 […]


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Competition Bureau’s updated guidelines for procurement processes

23 mars 2021 | Charles W. Bois

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

On February 5, 2021 the Competition Bureau of Canada (the “Competition Bureau”) released “Competitive bidding processes in the public sector: Procuring good value for taxpayer money” (“Competitive Bidding Processes”).  Competitive Bidding Processes represents the Competition Bureau’s most recent publication in […]


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Expansion to BC PST registration and collection rules effective April 1, 2021

23 mars 2021 | Colleen Ma, Matthew Wray

Bulletin fiscal

In Provincial Budget 2020, measures were announced that would require businesses not otherwise carrying on business in British Columbia (“BC”) to register for and collect PST. Amendments to the Provincial Sales Tax Act (British Columbia) (“BC PSTA”) were supposed to […]


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Can condo corporations enforce Toronto’s mask policy?

23 mars 2021 | Jason Rivait

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

To help slow the spread of COVID-19 in condominium and apartment buildings, since August 7, 2020, the City of Toronto’s By-Law 664-2020 (the “Mask By-law”) has made wearing a face covering or mask mandatory in all common areas of multi-unit […]


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Competition Bureau to host The Competition and Growth Summit in June 2021

19 mars 2021 | Eric Dufour, Reema Mahbubani

Droit de la concurrence/antitrust et de l’investissement étranger

The Canadian economy is on the road to recovery after experiencing significant economic disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, including: a decline in gross domestic product: Canada (5.4%)[1] and worldwide (4.9%);[2] an increase in unemployment: Canada (4%), North America (9.2%),[3] […]


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Government of Canada launches consultation on labour protections for “gig work” and on a “right to disconnect”

19 mars 2021 | Lisa Goodfellow, Jenifer C. Gentle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On March 18, 2021, the federal Minister of Labour, Filomena Tassi, invited Canadians to participate in an online consultation to share their views on: “gig work” – where workers enter into short-term contracts to complete specific and often one-off tasks, generally through […]


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