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Ontario Human Rights Commission provides guidance for businesses navigating COVID-19 vaccination policies

24 septembre 2021 | Michael Cleveland

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On September 22, 2021, the Ontario Human Rights Commission (the “OHRC”) released a policy statement on COVID-19 vaccine mandates and proof of vaccine certificates. The OHRC’s statement provides welcome guidance for businesses looking to implement proof of vaccination requirements for […]


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Episode 10: Mandatory vaccinations – Legal implications

24 septembre 2021 | Tracey M. Bailey, KC, Annie Alport

Morning Commute with Miller Thomson

Are mandatory vaccine policies enforceable? What are the potential legal challenges with these policies? Discover the answers to these questions and more in ep. 10.


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British Columbia Court of Appeal clarifies indivisibility analysis

23 septembre 2021 | Fareeha Qaiser, Caitlin VanDuzer

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Introduction The Court of Appeal for British Columbia (the “Court of Appeal”), in Neufeldt v. Insurance Corporation of British Columbia, 2021 BCCA 327, recently provided significant commentary on the important yet difficult issue of indivisible injuries. Insurance Corporation of British […]


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Condominiums and Ontario’s mandatory vaccination regulations

23 septembre 2021 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

On September 14, 2021, the Ontario Provincial Government released O. Reg. 645/21: Rules for Areas at Step 3 and at the Roadmap Exit Step (the “Regulations”) pertaining to mandatory vaccinations. Many in the condominium industry are asking whether the Regulations […]


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Ontario government extends temporary layoff provisions and paid IDEL

21 septembre 2021 | Michael Cleveland

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

The Ontario Government has extended the maximum period of COVID-related temporary layoffs until January 1, 2022. Pursuant to Ontario Regulation 228/20 (the “IDEL Regulation”), during the “COVID-19 period,” employees are deemed to be on a job-protected Infectious Disease Emergency Leave […]


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Ontario Ministry of Health provides clarity for medical exemptions to COVID-19 vaccination

17 septembre 2021 | Inna Koldorf

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

With employers keeping busy drafting and enforcing vaccination policies in the last few weeks, many questions have been raised about medical exemptions from the requirement to get the COVID-19 vaccine. While employers are aware that human rights legislation requires them […]


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Alberta Human Rights Commission dismisses complaints about mandatory mask policies

17 septembre 2021 | Teri Treiber

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Companies in Canada have had to take unprecedented measures to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic over the past 18 months. While provincial and municipal governments have at times made it mandatory for people to wear face coverings while in indoor […]


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4 key areas your remote work policy should cover

17 septembre 2021 | John Batzel, Veronica S. C. Rossos

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

As we progress through the COVID-19 pandemic, we are seeing more businesses adopt a hybrid model workplace with some employees returning to the office and others continuing to work from home. With this new model likely to become the norm […]


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OSFI updates cybersecurity breach notification requirements

13 septembre 2021 | David Krebs, Domenic Presta, Amanda Cutinha

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (“OSFI”) released a new Advisory on Technology and Cyber Security Incident Reporting, effective August 13, 2021 (the “Advisory”) which seeks to govern how federally-regulated financial institutions (“FRFIs”) should disclose and report technology […]


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Bringing a compliance application against a unit owner? Why you should think twice

9 septembre 2021 | Michael Prosia

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

A condominium corporation which intends to bring a compliance application is generally faced with a dilemma.  On the one hand, s. 134(1) of Ontario’s Condominium Act, 1998, S.O. 1998, c. 19 (the “Condominium Act”)  permits the condominium corporation to proceed via […]


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