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Collective bargaining in 2022

3 février 2022 | Justin Diggle

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

While truly an understatement, over the last two years society has undergone significant change. We have rising inflation.  We have seen COVID-19’s transformational effects on public health, the economy and the workplace. We have a growing understanding of mental well-being […]


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Performance Bonds – What do they really cover?

2 février 2022 | Charles W. Bois, Andrew Hefford

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

It is common practice in the construction industry to use contract documents and performance bonds to allocate risk appropriately between owners and contractors. Owners often require that contractors provide a performance bond from a recognized surety as a condition to […]


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Records requests and contemplated litigation

27 janvier 2022 | Justin McLarty

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

The Condominium Authority Tribunal’s (“CAT”) recent decision in Zamfir v. York Condominium Corporation No. 238, 2021 ONCAT 118 (“Zamfir”) brings some much needed clarity on the extent to which a condominium corporation can rely on the exception to produce records […]


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Electronic wills are here in BC – but should you make one?

26 janvier 2022 | Stephen Hsia

Gestion de patrimoine

On December 1, 2021, British Columbia became the first province to allow electronic wills – fully digital wills. Previously, a will-maker could only make a valid will under BC law by signing a physical will with wet ink in the […]


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Breaking news: Update regarding application of vaccination mandate for cross-border transportation workers, taking effect January 15, 2022

14 janvier 2022 | Alan Cofman

Communiqué Transports et logistique

Contrary to recent media reports, cross-border truck drivers, regardless of their citizenship or place of residence, will be fully subject to the federal government’s vaccination mandate as of January 15, 2022.  In short, all Canadian drivers who are unvaccinated, or […]


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The Underused Housing Tax Act: A primer

14 janvier 2022 | Manjit Singh

Bulletin fiscal

On December 15, 2021 the House of Commons held the first reading of Bill C-8, which includes draft legislation for a new stand-alone tax act: the Underused Housing Tax Act (the “Act”). Very broadly, the draft legislation intends to impose […]


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Breaking news: Canadian government announces it will not impose quarantines & testing requirements on returning Canadian truck drivers as of January 15, 2022

13 janvier 2022 | James Manson

Communiqué Transports et logistique

Please be advised:  The information presented below is now obsolete. It was based on reports and information originally received on January 12, 2022. However, one day later, Canada’s federal government announced that those original reports had been released in error. […]


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General average, generally

13 janvier 2022 | James Manson

Communiqué Transports et logistique

All hell broke loose aboard the container ship MV ZIM Kingston in late October last year as she made her way across the Pacific Ocean. The 40,300-tonne vessel lost several shipping containers overboard in heavy weather during her crossing from […]


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Injunctive relief as a remedy for ongoing contamination: Ward v. Cariboo Regional District

13 janvier 2022 | Heather L. Jones, Steven Evans, Harleen Brar

Alerte environnement

On July 30, 2021, the British Columbia Supreme Court released reasons for judgment in Ward v. Cariboo Regional District, 2021 BCSC 1495, shedding light on the wide breadth of injunctive relief available in circumstances of ongoing environmental contamination.[1] The decision […]


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Preparing for the Metaverse: The next big thing

13 janvier 2022 | Wayne Logan, John-David D’Souza, Alissa Ricioppo

Infolettre : Technologies, propriété intellectuelle et protection de la vie privée

The rapid emergence of the Metaverse hosts a set of new wonders, curiosities, and potentially even worries. For many, it begins with asking the question – what is the Metaverse? Why are big corporations investing billions of dollars to create […]


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