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BC introduces single-step union certification

8 juin 2022 | Veronica S. C. Rossos, Andrew Hefford

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Bill 10, titled the Labour Relations Code Amendment Act, 2022, received Royal Assent on June 2, 2022. The Bill was sponsored by The Honourable Harry Bains, the Minister of Labour, and introduces a number of changes to the Labour Relations […]


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Dealing with employees’ off-duty conduct

8 juin 2022 | Danny Alcorn

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Employers are increasingly faced with public pressure to discipline employees who engage in offensive conduct or who post offensive content online while off-duty. Employers must balance this public pressure with their duties and obligations to their employees. Determining what to […]


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Transport Canada renews temporary certificate for transportation of COVID-19 test samples

8 juin 2022 | James Manson

Communiqué Transports et logistique

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Canada’s federal government has periodically waived certain rules normally applicable to the transportation of COVID-19 test samples, which qualify as dangerous goods and are therefore subject to the requirements of the federal Transportation of Dangerous Goods […]


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Funding non-qualified donees just got one step easier for Canadian charities

6 juin 2022 | Stephen Hsia

Impact Social

It might soon be easier for Canadian registered charities to give funds directly to non-qualified donees in Canada and abroad. Currently, Canadian registered charities can use their resources only on their « own activities » or on gifts to other qualified donees. […]


L’importance de la mise en demeure

2 juin 2022 | Yannick Forget

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Dans une décision rendue récemment[1], la Cour supérieure a réitéré l’importance de transmettre une mise en demeure préalablement à l’institution d’un recours en dommages suivant l’exécution fautive de travaux. Faits Dans cette affaire, la Coopérative de solidarité en habitation Carpe […]


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A foul ball to the head: No negligence established under the Occupier’s Liability Act

2 juin 2022 | Fareeha Qaiser, Caitlin VanDuzer

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Introduction The British Columbia Court of Appeal, in Rivers v North Vancouver (District), 2021 BCCA 407, considered a negligence claim brought pursuant to the common law and British Columbia’s Occupiers Liability Act (the « Act »). In doing so, they clarified what […]


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ONCA Fast Facts: Annual meeting essentials

2 juin 2022 | Karima Kanani, Michele Szynkaruk

Communiqué sur la santé

The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, 2010 (« ONCA ») came into force on October 19, 2021. Not-for-profit corporations incorporated in Ontario will have a three year transition period to make changes to their governing documents to comply with the ONCA. Our ONCA […]


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Consultation on new guidance for foods sold through e-commerce (open until July 8, 2022)

1 juin 2022 | Alissa Ricioppo, Jaclyne Reive

Communiqué Droit en matière de marketing, publicité et conformité des produits

Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) are seeking feedback to inform their development of voluntary guidance for businesses when selling food and beverages to consumers through e-commerce. The guidance would relate to food information, such as labelling […]


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The importance of a corporation’s (active and good) corporate status at the time of preserving and perfecting a construction lien

25 mai 2022 | Riccardo Del Vecchio, Nathan Lean

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

A December 2021 Ontario court decision, 9727868 Canada Inc. (Plug & Play Solutions) v. Deltro Electric Ltd., 2021 ONSC 8182, serves as another chapter in a precautionary tale – there is little, if any, room for fairness or sympathy when […]


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Legislative definitions and the relevance of a lien claimant’s status in the prosecution of the construction lien remedy

25 mai 2022 | Riccardo Del Vecchio, Daniel Guerrisi

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

In an October 2021 Ontario Superior Court decision, Mahendran v. 9660143 Inc. et al. 2021 ONSC 6678, the Court ordered the discharge of a claim for lien in a situation where the lien claimant was held to be an owner […]


Affichage de 641-650 of 1798

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