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Alberta Court finds in favour of employer after employee refused to comply with mask policy

28 juillet 2022 | Tessa Green, Teri Treiber

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

In Benke v Loblaw Companies Limited, 2022 ABQB 461, the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta weighed in on the effect of an employee’s unpaid suspension, as a result of his failure to follow a COVID-19 masking policy, on the […]


Entrée en vigueur de la première série de modifications importantes apportées à la Loi sur la concurrence

27 juillet 2022 | Eric Dufour, Reema Mahbubani

Droit de la concurrence/antitrust et de l’investissement étranger

Le 23 juin 2022, la première série de modifications importantes apportées à la Loi sur la concurrence (la « Loi ») est entrée en vigueur (les « modifications de 2022 »). Les modifications de 2022, ainsi que celles qui devraient entrer en vigueur l’année […]


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Food labelling in Canada: New Food Product Innovation initiative changes

26 juillet 2022 | Alissa Ricioppo, Jaclyne Reive

Communiqué Droit en matière de marketing, publicité et conformité des produits

On July 6, 2022, the Government of Canada made several changes to the Food and Drugs Regulations (“FDR”) and the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (“SFCR”) (collectively referred to as the “Regulations”). These changes are the result of Canada’s Food Product Innovation […]


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Marriage-like relationships and intestate succession in BC: Coad v. Lariviere

25 juillet 2022 | Alexander Swabuk, Taylor Lanthier

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

Pursuant to British Columbia’s Wills, Estates and Succession Act, S.B.C. 2009, c. 13 (“WESA”), when a person dies without a will, that person’s surviving spouse is entitled to inherit either the entirety of the estate (if there are no descendants) […]


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The right to a healthy environment gains global (and some Canadian) traction

19 juillet 2022 | Christie A. McLeod, Michael Hanuman

Alerte environnement

By the end of 2019, more than 80 percent of United Nations (“UN”) Member States recognized the right to a healthy environment in law, with more than 110 countries recognizing the right to a healthy environment in their national Constitutions.[1] […]


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Changes to Canadian natural health products labelling requirements

19 juillet 2022 | Jaclyne Reive, Sandra Wright

Communiqué Droit en matière de marketing, publicité et conformité des produits

Following an increase in the use of natural health products (“NHPs”)  among Canadians, Health Canada recently released the “Regulations Amending the Natural Health Products Regulations” (the “Amending Regulations”), which came into force on June 21, 2022. These Amending Regulations introduce […]


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What should I do with my non-CCPC?!?!

14 juillet 2022 | Andrew C. Bateman, Pierce Quaghebeur, CPA, CA

Bulletin fiscal

Taxpayers who previously engaged in non-CCPC tax planning have a decision to make – and ideally soon. For context, in recent years, a number of Canadian taxpayers implemented planning that involved causing a Canadian-controlled private corporation (“CCPC”) to cease to […]


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Cryptocurrency and tax reporting obligations

14 juillet 2022 | Molly Luu, Anish Kamboj

Bulletin fiscal

Background framework Section 233.3 of the Income Tax Act (Canada)[1] (the “ITA”) requires Canadian resident taxpayers (subject to certain exceptions) and partnerships with Canadian resident members (subject to certain exceptions) (each referred to as a “specified Canadian entity”) to report […]


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Lien everything, and early: The BC Supreme Court clarifies builders lien filing deadlines and apportionment between properties

14 juillet 2022 | Cobi Dayan, Tessa Green

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ouest du Canada

The recent decision of the British Columbia Supreme Court in Frontier Kemper Constructors, Inc v Rio Tinto Alcan Inc[1] clarified the timeline for filing a builders lien when the 45-day deadline falls on a weekend and revisits the limited scope […]


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New mandatory front-of-package nutrition symbol for certain food products in Canada

13 juillet 2022 | Alissa Ricioppo, Jaclyne Reive

Communiqué Droit en matière de marketing, publicité et conformité des produits

Front-of-Package Labeling Requirements On June 30th the Federal Minister of Health announced new regulations relating to a mandatory front-of-package nutrition symbol on all prepackaged foods high in sodium, sugars or saturated fat. The symbol has been introduced as a tool […]


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