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Mitigating the risks of generative artificial intelligence in the health industry

29 septembre 2023 | Kathryn M. Frelick, David Krebs, Safa Warsi

Communiqué sur la santé

Background The emergence of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a paradigm-shifting technology and its potential impact on the health industry cannot be overstated.  While AI has been and is increasingly used in Canada for both clinical and non-clinical applications, particularly […]


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Broker negligence and relief from forfeiture: Court finds no coverage for late-reported claim under excess “claims made and reported” professional liability policy

28 septembre 2023 | Vanessa De Sousa, Maya Cheaib

Blogue : Droit des assurances

In Kestenberg Siegal Lipkus v Royal & Sun Alliance Ins. Co. (“Kestenberg”), the Ontario Superior Court addressed an insurance dispute where an insured party failed to properly inform their insurer of a claim due to their broker’s negligence. The insurance […]


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The new trust reporting rules’ potential impact on internal charitable trusts, endowments, and donor advised funds

28 septembre 2023 | Hillary Linden, TEP, Gwenyth Stadig, Adam Parachin, Troy McEachren, M. Elena Hoffstein

Gestion de patrimoine

The Canada Revenue Agency has clarified on November 10, 2023 that charities are not required to file T3 information returns for internal trusts. Please see our November 10, 2023 Social Impact Newsletter article for more information. Introduction We have previously […]


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An ESG and carbon finance panel discussion report: Avoiding greenwashing litigation, managing cybersecurity risks, and legal trends in Indigenous rights-based climate change litigation

26 septembre 2023 | Sarah D. Hansen, LL.M., David Krebs, P. Jason Kroft, Christie A. McLeod, Eugene Y. Yeung

MT Biosphère MC

Against the backdrop of ESG’s multi-faceted and ever-changing nature, greenwashing, cybersecurity, and Indigenous rights-based climate change litigation rank among the latest considerations that thoughtful companies and organizations must reflect on as they manage their organizational ESG program. On September 21, […]


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Annual returns due date approaching for Ontario health service providers

26 septembre 2023 | Karima Kanani, Michele Szynkaruk

Communiqué sur la santé

Under the Corporations Information Act (Ontario), corporations are required to file an Annual Return with the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery (the “Ministry”) within six (6) months of the corporation’s financial year-end to update the public record. The […]


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Enhanced GST rebate proposed on new residential rental buildings to boost supply

22 septembre 2023 | Eric Laxton, Mario Concordia

Rapport - Droit immobilier

On September 14, 2023, the federal government announced proposed legislation to boost the existing GST Rental Rebate for new purpose-built rental housing from 36% to 100% for qualifying buildings, while eliminating the phase-out thresholds for rental units above $350,000 in […]


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Privacy regulators issue joint statement: Understanding the risks and responsibilities surrounding data scraping

14 septembre 2023 | David Krebs, Garhet Maze

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

On August 24, 2023, 12 international privacy and data protection authorities, including the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the UK Information Commissioner, released a Joint Statement  on data scraping and data protection (the “Joint Statement”). ‘Data scraping’ is an […]


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The tort of harassment: Alberta Health Services v Johnston

12 septembre 2023 | Tessa Green

Communiqué sur le litige commercial

Introduction and overview A tort is a wrongful act committed by an individual that causes a claimant to suffer a loss or harm, leading to civil liability. In the recent decision of Alberta Health Services v Johnston, 2023 ABKB 209, […]


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Employee Dismissal & Duty to Accommodate: Case Commentary – Teamsters Quebec, Local 106 c 1641-9749 Quebec Inc.

6 septembre 2023 | Geoff Mason

Communiqué Transports et logistique

The decision to dismiss an employee is one that no employer likes to make. In many circumstances, though, it’s a decision that employers may feel compelled to make, particularly when serious employee misconduct or safety violations are involved. Employers in […]


Travaux connexes ou nécessité de détenir une sous-catégorie de licence particulière?

6 septembre 2023 | Tania L. Pinheiro, Alexandre Lebeau

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Sommaire Le 15 juin 2023, la Cour supérieure du Québec rendait jugement dans l’affaire 9099-3593 Québec inc. (Inter-Projet) c. Ville de Saguenay[1] portant sur un litige entourant l’adjudication d’un contrat pour la reconstruction d’un mur de soutènement. Selon Inter-Projet, classé deuxième plus […]


Affichage de 281-290 of 1798

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