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Major Asset Transfers Between Charities: Corporate Law Considerations

25 avril 2011

Impact Social

From time to time registered charities may find themselves in situations, often driven by economic considerations, where they are considering whether to cease carrying on certain elements of their operations. While a straightforward wind-down may be possible in some circumstances, […]


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Court Finds Coverage under OPCF 44R

21 avril 2011

Blogue : Droit des assurances

This week’s Ontario Reports contained an interesting coverage decision involving Ontario’s Family Protection Endorsement and claims against the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. In Graham v. Superintendent of Financial Services Commission of Ontario (2010 ONSC 7129), Christine Graham was riding her bicycle […]


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Partnership Freeze Revisited

11 avril 2011

Gestion de patrimoine

The Federal Court of Appeal recently ruled on a partnership freeze structure, unanimously dismissing the taxpayer’s appeal in Krauss (2010 FCA 284). Krauss is the first reported case dealing with a partnership freeze. The taxpayer and her adult son (who […]


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Ademption: Beware the Potential Failure of Gifts

11 avril 2011 | Michael W. Kerr, Kelly A. Charlebois

Gestion de patrimoine

Introduction Professionals involved in the preparation of Wills should be made aware of the potential consequences of the doctrine of ademption. Put simply, the doctrine provides that you cannot bequeath what you do not own.  For example, if a testator’s Will […]


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Tax Consequences of Returning Gifts

22 mars 2011 | Kate Lazier

Impact Social

Occasionally a charity or a donor will want to return a gift.  For example, a charity may wish to return a gift to a donor whose association with the charity may harm the charity’s reputation or where the gift turns […]


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Prosperity Mine Project Blocked by Federal Government

16 décembre 2010

Alerte environnement

On November 2, 2010, the federal government announced a long-awaited decision not to approve Taseko’s controversial open-pit gold and copper mine in British Columbia, citing concerns that the project would have a significant adverse environmental effect. According to then federal […]


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Court Approval of Plan of Arrangement: The Magna Decision

6 décembre 2010 | Jay M. Hoffman

Alerte valeurs mobilières

In August 2010, the Ontario Superior Court of Justice approved a plan of arrangement (« Arrangement« ) which allowed Magna International Inc. (« Magna« ) to eliminate its dual class share structure. A plan of arrangement is a court supervised procedure that requires the […]


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Notices of Lease in B.C.

1 novembre 2010 | Michael Walker

Baux à la une

In most jurisdictions, registering notices of lease is a relatively straightforward matter. These notices may be important to tenants or their lenders, particularly in long term leases with significant leasehold improvements. In British Columbia, the legislation does not provide for […]


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Transfer of Charitable Donation Tax Credits

30 octobre 2010

Impact Social

The CRA has extended its administrative position with respect to the transfer of donation tax credits from one spouse or common law partner to the other.  In a technical interpretation released by the CRA on September 13, 2010 (CRA document […]


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Vancouver v. Ward: The Supreme Court Upholds Damages as a Charter Remedy

1 septembre 2010

Bulletin droit criminel et réglementation

For many years now, section 24(1) of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the “Charter”) has provided criminal trial courts with the jurisdiction to award costs to defendants against the Crown when their Charter rights have been infringed.  The justification […]


Affichage de 1781-1790 of 1798

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