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Canadian Thin Capitalization Regime

11 janvier 2013

Blogue : Exploiter une entreprise au Canada pour les non-résidents

This posting was authored by Lyne M. Gaulin and John M. Campbell Miller Thomson LLP Existing Canadian Thin Cap Regime The existing Canadian thin cap regime protects the Canadian tax base from excessive interest deductions by limiting the amount of […]


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The Commercial Lease — Not Just Another Contract

2 janvier 2013

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The undisputed seminal case on lease remedies, Highway Properties Ltd. v. Kelly, Douglas & Co. Ltd. (“Highway Properties”) was challenged a few years back by the British Columbia Court of Appeal in Evergreen Building Ltd. v. IBI Leaseholds Ltd. (“Evergreen”). […]


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Repair and Maintenance Obligations Under the Commercial Lease

18 décembre 2012 | Philip A. Carson

Rapport immobilier

A typical commercial lease places most or all of the responsibility for repairs and maintenance on the tenant, except that the tenant’s obligations may be limited in respect of reasonable wear and tear, and the landlord may be responsible for […]


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Right to Work Legislation in Parliament

11 décembre 2012 | Gerald D. Chipeur, KC

Blogue du secteur du droit du travail et de l'emploi au Canada

Has right to work legislation been introduced in Parliament? Not yet. However, the seed has been planted. In the fall of 2012, Mr. Pierre Poilievre, M.P. and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport, issued a public letter expressing the view […]


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Conflicts of Interest: Avoiding Sticky Situations

6 décembre 2012 | Valerie Dixon

Blogue du secteur du droit du travail et de l'emploi au Canada

As Toronto Mayor Rob Ford discovered the hard way, sometimes a conflict of interest is the end of the road (well, maybe). While Mayor Ford’s troubles didn’t relate to employment – he was found to have breached the Ontario Municipal […]


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Laying the Foundation for a Build-to-Suit Lease

3 décembre 2012 | Savvas Kotsopoulos

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A build-to-suit (or design-build) lease is essentially a landlord/developer’s agreement to construct a purpose built building, usually for a single tenant. The landlord will typically own or ground lease the lands (and once constructed, the building) and has the option […]


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The defense of laches in grievance arbitration – The one who drags its feet may lose its right!

27 novembre 2012

Blogue du secteur du droit du travail et de l'emploi au Canada

Author: Béatrice Arronis We have all been told at least once, “Sorry, you’re too late”. What if it was your turn to say it? It is well known that in the context of grievance arbitration, both unions and employers must […]


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Cross-Border Consequences of Secondment

23 novembre 2012

Blogue : Exploiter une entreprise au Canada pour les non-résidents

Cross-Border Consequences of Secondment This posting was authored by Cheryl Teron and Stephen Rukavina Miller Thomson LLP. Secondment often involves one company (the “Lending Employer”) lending its employees to another related company in another country (the “Receiving Employer”) for the […]


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Pertinent Loan or Indebtedness Regime

14 novembre 2012 | John M. Campbell

Dernières nouvelles en matière de fiscalité internationale

IN THIS SECTION: PLOI Relieving Rule for Subsection 15(2) Shareholder Indebtedness Scope of PLOI Exception PLOI Elections Certain Reorganizations Involving Canadian Resident Corporate Creditors Deemed Interest Income To File or Not to File a PLOI Election? Application Date PLOI Relieving […]


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Foreign Affiliate Dumping Transactions

14 novembre 2012 | John M. Campbell

Dernières nouvelles en matière de fiscalité internationale

Anti-Surplus Stripping Rule for Canadian Resident Corporations Controlled by Non-Residents Bill C-45 adds a new anti-surplus stripping rule to the Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “Act”) as section 212.3.  This provision will apply to a corporation that is: resident in […]


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