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Employees Who Rent Vehicles for Work: Liability Insurance Implications When Accidents Occur

15 avril 2016 | Patricia J. Forte

Blogue : Droit des assurances

The frequency with which employees rent vehicles for employment purposes is a common occurrence. Amendments to certain legislation in Ontario introduced a priority scheme for liability coverage, and corresponding changes to the standard Ontario Automobile Policy reconfigured personal coverage to […]


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Summary of CRA Filing Requirements for Tax-Exempt Corporations

12 avril 2016 | Nicole K. D’Aoust

Impact Social

There are a number of persons besides Canadian registered charities and non-profit organizations that have special tax-exempt status under the federal Income Tax Act (Canada) (the “Act”).  These persons are listed in a section of the Act called “miscellaneous exemptions.”  […]


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Software Development and Licensing: What Retailers Need to Know

11 avril 2016 | Lisa Abe-Oldenburg

Tendances dans le commerce de détail

Every retailer today uses some form of software, whether it be a computer program running on local hardware, a hosted web site or an application running in the cloud or on a mobile device. Unfortunately, many retailers purchase such software […]


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Containing the Spread of Fire(wall)

7 avril 2016 | Hermina Nuric

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Implementation of internal firewalls between accident benefits and bodily injury departments has been a struggle for automobile insurers since the publication of the Insurance Bureau of Canada’s Bulletin 184, called “Internal Transfer of Information from Accident Benefits Adjuster to Tort […]


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Advanced Payments: When and Why?

31 mars 2016 | James D. Bromiley

Blogue : Droit des assurances

With the pending changes to the SABS, tort adjusters will undoubtedly be called upon by Plaintiff counsel to make advance payments to cover such things as medical expenses, lost wages and attendant care.  Seriously injured Plaintiff’s facing a combined $65,000 […]


Les créances pécuniaires

28 mars 2016 | Maxime B. Rhéaume

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

Faits saillants La créance pécuniaire est un concept en vigueur depuis le 1er janvier 2016. La créance pécuniaire est une créance payable en argent uniquement. La créance pécuniaire est due au débiteur par son créancier ou par un tiers. L’hypothèque […]


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Testamentary Freedom and Policy Constraints

18 mars 2016 | Rosanne T. Rocchi

Gestion de patrimoine

It is a hallmark of common law jurisdictions that testators have freedom of testamentary disposition , subject only to three exceptions. In other words, an individual may dispose of his or her property as he or she wishes, even if […]


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Court of Appeal Rules that Contractual Limitation Period within Insurance Policy Overrides the Statutory Two-Year Limitation Period

17 mars 2016 | Andrew Hentz

Blogue : Droit des assurances

The Ontario Court of Appeal has affirmed that a contractual condition within an insurance contract imposing a limitation period of 1 year will override the statutory two-year limitation period found within the Limitations Act, 2002. In Daverne v. John Switzer […]


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Destruction of Evidence

3 mars 2016 | Theodore J. Madison

Blogue : Droit des assurances

The destruction of evidence, either intentional or through negligence, impedes the ability of the trier of fact to find the truth and reach a just determination of the issues. The destruction of evidence during ongoing or contemplated litigation, intentional or […]


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Termination Clauses in BC: Perfection (Maybe) Not Required

16 février 2016 | Valerie Dixon

Blogue du secteur du droit du travail et de l'emploi au Canada

Perhaps the most important clause in any employment contract is the termination clause.  Without it, an employee is entitled to reasonable notice of termination (in the absence of just cause). A written termination clause can even allow an employer to […]


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