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An Apt Decision: Ontario Court of Appeal Overturns Limitation Period Ruling

14 juillet 2017 | Patricia J. Forte

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Introduction A recent Ontario Court of Appeal decision determined that a personal injury claim arising from the alleged disrepair of a residential rental unit is not constrained by the one-year limitation period prescribed by the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006[1] (“RTA »). […]


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Ontario SABs Insurers Do Not Have to Justify EUO Reason

7 juillet 2017 | Nawaz Tahir

Blogue : Droit des assurances

The Ontario Court of Appeal, in Aviva Insurance Company of Canada v. McKeown, 2017 ONCA 563 (CanLII) determined an insurer is not required to provide a “justification” to compel an applicant for benefits to attend an examination under oath pursuant […]


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Estate Planning and Shareholders’ Agreements

8 juin 2017 | Carla Figliomeni

Gestion de patrimoine

The importance of a properly drafted shareholders’ agreement in the context of a business owner’s estate plan is often overlooked. Having a will, or multiple wills, to control what happens to the estate is important; but if a business owner […]


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The Pitfalls of Disability Planning

8 juin 2017 | Hilary Van de Kamer

Gestion de patrimoine

When a testator is considering leaving assets to a beneficiary who has a disability, there are important factors that the testator needs to examine to ensure that the disabled beneficiary is appropriately protected. With new and proposed tax laws, the […]


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When Is a Release Full and Final?

8 juin 2017 | Hodson Harding, Philip A. Carson

Sommaire Lloyd’s : Perspectives juridiques canadiennes

In the May 5, 2017 decision of Biancaniello v. DMCT LLP, the Ontario Court of Appeal considered whether a release operated to bar a claim even though the claim was unanticipated and unknown at the time the release was executed […]


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Restricted Gifts – What Happens When the Condition of the Gift Can No Longer Be Fulfilled?

7 juin 2017 | Natasha Smith

Impact Social

Donors frequently provide gifts to charities to be used for a specific purpose or toward specific programs/initiatives.  These gifts are commonly referred to as restricted gifts and, by accepting such gifts, charities are obliged to apply the gift pursuant to […]


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Restricted Farm Losses: The Plight of the Part-Time Farmer

4 mai 2017 | Robert Graham

Le réseau alimentaire : les agroentreprises canadiennes et le droit en matière d'alimentation

Introduction Not just anyone can become a farmer; yet many Canadians aspire to transfer from their existing occupation into farming. The challenge with said aspiration is that starting up a farm business is difficult, and though the federal government provides […]


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Granger v. Granger – Unjust Enrichment Where There Has Been A « Mutual Conferral of Benefits »

28 avril 2017 | Nicole Hastings

Gestion de patrimoine

Unjust enrichment is a legal concept based on the general equitable principle that no person should be allowed to profit at another’s expense without a legal reason for doing so. The burden is on the plaintiff to prove: 1) an […]


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Disclosure of Expert Retainer Letters

28 avril 2017 | James D. Bromiley

Blogue : Droit des assurances

The issue of whether a party must produce a lawyer’s ‘instructional letter’ when retaining an expert was considered by the Ontario Superior Court in Nikolakakos v. Hoque, 2015 ONSC 4738.  This case involved an action for damages arising from personal […]


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New Real Property Register Requirement

28 mars 2017 | Jean Leonard

Rapport - Droit immobilier

On December 10, 2016 the Forfeited Corporate Property Act, 2015 (“FCPA”) came into force in Ontario.  This act makes it easier for the Government of Ontario to use or sell property that has been forfeited to the Ontario Crown upon […]


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