Perspectives juridiques

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(Re:) Toigo Estate and the Power of Encroachment

8 novembre 2018 | Carolyn S. Inglis

Gestion de patrimoine

When implementing an estate plan that involves a life interest, such as a spousal trust, it is typical to grant the Trustee a power to encroach on the capital of the trust for the benefit of the life interest beneficiary. […]


Peut-on se faire rembourser ses frais d’avocats par la partie adverse après avoir eu gain de cause?

26 octobre 2018 | Marie-Catherine Ayotte

À-Propos Juridique Construction

On croit souvent à tort que les frais d’avocats engagés lors d’un procès seront remboursés par la partie adverse à la partie qui obtient gain de cause devant les tribunaux. En jargon juridique, l’expression « honoraires extrajudiciaires » est employée […]


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A Triumph of Administrative Law: 2018’s Supreme Court of Canada Religious Freedom Cases

23 octobre 2018 | David Tang

Impact Social

2018 was touted as the year the Supreme Court of Canada would consider how religious freedom should be valued as a right guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Supreme Court rendered three highly anticipated decisions which […]


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Who can be Present at an Examination for Discovery?

5 octobre 2018 | Theodore J. Madison

Blogue : Droit des assurances

Answering the question of who should be allowed to attend at an examination for discovery involves an exercise in balancing two competing interests: the interest of upholding the privacy of examinations as a pre-trial discovery process relevant to the parties’ […]


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New Ontario Executive Compensation Freeze

4 octobre 2018 | Greg Bush

Bulletin matinal de droit de l’éducation

The Ontario government recently issued Regulation 406/18 under the Broader Public Sector Executive Compensation Act 2014 (the BPSECA), freezing compensation for executives and heads of certain public bodies who earn $100,000 or more. The regulation implements a cap on salaries […]


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When Is It “Appropriate” to Sue an Insurer?

3 octobre 2018 | Sean McGarry

Sommaire Lloyd’s : Perspectives juridiques canadiennes

The Ontario Court of Appeal recently ruled on the application of limitation periods in actions against insurers. In Nasr Hospitality Services Inc. v. Intact Insurance[1] the principal of the plaintiff corporation, Mr. Nasr, discovered water damage on the premises of […]


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Construction on First Nations Land: Determining the Applicable Building Code

3 octobre 2018 | Karen L. Weslowski

Sommaire Lloyd’s : Perspectives juridiques canadiennes

Introduction As recognized by the Standing Senate Committee on Aboriginal Peoples, most on-reserve housing and infrastructure is poorly built, in serious disrepair and under-supplied.[1]  This recognition has led to an increase in construction projects on First Nations lands, which will […]


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Co-operatives as Charities and Not-for-profits

2 octobre 2018 | Mary Childs

Impact Social

Co-operatives are legal entities owned and run by, and for, their members.  There are over 9,000 co-operatives in Canada, with over 18 million members. Most of them operate businesses. Not all of them are business enterprises – many co-operatives are […]


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Registered Charity T3010 Mailing Address Change

25 septembre 2018 | Sarah Fitzpatrick

Impact Social

To meet their obligations under the Income Tax Act (Canada), all registered charities must file a Registered Charity Information Return (T3010) on an annual basis within six months of their financial year end. Canada Revenue Agency has issued an update […]


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Alberta’s new Act to Strengthen Financial Security for Persons with Disabilities

6 septembre 2018 | Jacklynn Pivovar

Gestion de patrimoine

Effective April 1, 2018, Alberta introduced changes to the Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped Act and Regulations to allow families and guardians more options for financial support for persons with disabilities without negatively affecting their entitlement to provincial benefits […]


Affichage de 1551-1560 of 1798

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