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COVID-19: Cross country update (April 27, 2020)

27 avril 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Today, the application process for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) was launched.  Employers can apply for the CEWS through My Business Account or through the CRA’s online application portal, […]


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Injunction requires Long-Term Care homes to provide nurses access to PPE

27 avril 2020 | Seann D. McAleese, Kathryn M. Frelick

Communiqué sur la santé

The Ontario Superior Court of Justice released a decision on April 23, 2020, Ontario Nurses Association v Eatonville/Henley Place, 2020 ONSC 2467, granting an interlocutory injunction requiring four Long-Term Care (“LTC”) homes to act in accordance with Directive #3 and […]


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Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench loosens COVID-19 restrictions

27 avril 2020 | Rick Van Beselaere, K.C., Brady Knight

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

The Saskatchewan Court of Queen’s Bench is set to resume many operations that were suspended in March due to the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 23, 2020, the Court released a new directive outlining how it plans to restart some of […]


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COVID-19 Financial Services update: conflicts – related party loans

27 avril 2020 | Stefan Mirkovic, Kenneth R. Rosenstein

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

In light of the current economic environment surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are in need of additional liquidity and working capital. Recently, our group has seen an increase in lending transactions where shareholders are providing secured subordinated loans to their […]


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Province of Ontario suspends condo AGM deadlines and permits e-meetings/voting

27 avril 2020 | Jason Rivait

Bulletin MT Condominiums & Copropriétés

The news all condo corporations in Ontario have been waiting for is finally here. On April 24, 2020, the Province amended O.Reg 107/20 under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (Ontario) so that it apples to condos. The Order […]


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Leave to appeal to Supreme Court of Canada on issue of insurer’s potential waiver of rights

27 avril 2020 | Fareeha Qaiser, Stefanie Gladders

Blogue : Droit des assurances

An appeal of a decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal, Bradfield v Royal Sun Alliance Insurance Company of Canada, 2019 ONCA 800, has recently been granted leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada. The basis of the […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (April 24, 2020)

24 avril 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance – for all Provinces and Territories Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the federal government has reached an agreement-in-principle with all provinces and territories to […]


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Condo development and COVID-19: bonding, limitation periods and turnover

24 avril 2020 | Eric Laxton

Rapport - Droit immobilier

UPDATE: Late in the day on April 24, 2020, the Government of Ontario passed an Order amending Ontario Regulation 107/20 to permit condominium corporations to hold meetings and cast votes virtually (by telephonic or electronic means), notwithstanding any current requirements […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (April 23, 2020)

23 avril 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today announced more than $1 billion in support of a national medical research strategy to fight COVID-19 that includes vaccine development, the production of treatments, and tracking […]


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COVID-19 efforts shift to the protection of seniors and vulnerable persons

23 avril 2020 | Kathryn M. Frelick, Lisa Spiegel, Karima Kanani

Communiqué sur la santé

Although the community spread of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to have peaked in the province according to public health officials in Ontario, concern about the spread of COVID-19 in long-term care, retirement and congregate care settings has significantly increased. COVID-19 […]


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