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Occupational health and safety tips for restarting your BC business

19 mai 2020 | Katie Comley

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On May 6, 2020, British Columbia Premier John Horgan, alongside Minister of Health Adrian Dix and Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, announced the details of BC’s Restart Plan for the reopening of the provincial economy and a return to […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (May 15, 2020)

15 mai 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Extension of Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy Finance Minister Bill Morneau today announced that the Government of Canada will extend the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) by an additional 12 weeks to […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (May 14, 2020)

14 mai 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Reminder of Travel Restrictions With the upcoming long weekend approaching, the Canada Border Services Agency is reminding people that the travel restrictions announced in March are still in place at all of Canada’s international border […]


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COVID-19 Financial Services Update: electronic chattel paper amendments to the PPSA come into force in Ontario

14 mai 2020 | Jennifer Babe

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

The amendments to the Ontario Personal Property Security Act (“PPSA”) and the Electronic Commerce Act that enable perfection by control of electronic chattel paper  (“ECP”)  came into  force on May 15, 2020. This is an especially important change during the COVID-19 emergency […]


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Deemed trust for unremitted GST primes bank’s security interest

14 mai 2020 | Rebecca Jennings, Amanda Plastina, Kenneth R. Rosenstein

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

On April 29, 2020, the Federal Court of Appeal (the “FCA”) released their decision in The Toronto-Dominion Bank v Canada[1] (“TD v Canada”), in which the FCA concluded that a deemed trust in respect of unremitted goods and sales tax […]


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What if an estate has been mismanaged?

14 mai 2020 | Christopher Crisman-Cox

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

Beneficiaries of an Estate are sometimes concerned that an Estate Trustee may be mismanaging Estate assets in one way or another. When this happens, open and frank communication between the Estate Trustee and the beneficiaries can often go a long […]


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The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy: A welcome assistance for employers – a pitfall for the unprepared

14 mai 2020 | Daniel Kiselbach, MBA, Catherine (Cathie) Brayley, Tom Ghag

Bulletin fiscal

Introduction Canadians have been blindsided by the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. The impact has been swift, painful, and enduring. In March 2020 alone, Canada lost a record one million jobs. In the face of this crisis, Parliament passed legislation […]


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Are you interested in decreasing the expense side of the balance sheet?: Ontario assessment appeal deadline extended to May 29, 2020

14 mai 2020 | Tara Piurko, Tamara Farber, Aaron Atcheson

Rapport - Droit immobilier

The Ontario deadline to file assessment appeals under the Assessment Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.31. has been extended to May 29, 2020.  You might be asking: Why should I care?  That question is answered below. We all know that property […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (May 13, 2020)

13 mai 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Regional Relief and Recovery Fund $962 million in additional support will now be available to support businesses and organizations that are key to the regions and local economies.  The new Regional […]


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Corporations Canada releases simplified process to extend deadline to call annual meeting

13 mai 2020 | Andrew Valentine

Impact Social

Non-profit corporations incorporated federally under the Canada Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (“CNCA”) will benefit from a newly simplified process under which they can apply to extend the deadline for calling and holding their 2020 annual general meeting. CNCA corporations are required […]


Affichage de 1251-1260 of 1798

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