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COVID-19:  Cross country update (June 16, 2020)

16 juin 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Extension to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit Today, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the government is extending the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) by eight weeks. CERB is a taxable […]


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Offering in confidence: New confidential prospectus pre-file review process

16 juin 2020 | Jonathan Tong, Desmond J. Christy

Alerte valeurs mobilières

On March 5, 2020, the Canada Securities Administrators (“CSA”) introduced a new harmonized process for the full review of prospectuses on a confidential pre-file basis (the “Confidential Pre-File Review Process”). The Confidential Pre-File Review Process applies to non-investment fund issuers. […]


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COVID-19: Cross country update (June 15, 2020)

15 juin 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Canada Emergency Response Benefit Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today that the Federal Government intends to extend the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB).  CERB was launched in April and the final […]


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British Columbia Information and Privacy Commissioner calls for changes to Personal Information Protection Act

15 juin 2020 | David Krebs

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

As we’ve reported in past blog posts, Canada’s privacy regulators have been vocal about the need for change to the privacy and data protection laws that apply to the private, public and health sectors in Canada. Most recently, the British […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (June 12, 2020)

12 juin 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Funding for Food Production and Processing Sector Today, the $77.5 million Emergency Processing Fund was launched.  This program prioritizes projects based on two objectives: Strategic investments to assist companies to improve, automate, […]


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COVID-19 contact tracing debate highlights need for privacy law reform: Lessons for developers and users

11 juin 2020 | David Krebs

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

We have been following the COVID-19 crisis and its impact on privacy law over the course of the past few months. It has become apparent during that time that the requirements of the pandemic and the contact tracing debate highlight […]


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Ch-ch-changes: Saskatchewan’s PPSA amendments are here

11 juin 2020 | David G. Gerecke, Q.C.

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

In late 2018, the Saskatchewan Legislature introduced Bill 151 to amend The Personal Property Security Act, 1993 (Saskatchewan) (the « PPSA »). Our Saskatchewan Financial Services team spent the next many months analyzing the amendments and explaining them in a series of Financial […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (June 11, 2020)

11 juin 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Supporting Communities Across the Country On June 11, Infrastructure and Communities Minister, Catherine McKenna, confirmed that each province and territory in Canada has received money through the federal Gas Tax Fund […]


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Challenging a Will based on undue influence

11 juin 2020 | Christopher Crisman-Cox

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

A Will is not valid if it is the result of « undue influence », but what exactly does that mean? Before going to court to challenge a Will on this basis, it is important to look closely at what exactly qualifies […]


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COVID-19:  Cross country update (June 10, 2020)

10 juin 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Support for Businesses to Open Safely Today, the Canadian Government announced that it has partnered with the People Outside Safely Together (POST) Promise program, an initiative launched by Canadian private sector organizations […]


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Les renseignements affichés sur ce blogue contiennent des points de droit variés fournis uniquement à des fins informatives et non commerciales. Ces renseignements ne constituent pas un avis juridique de la part de l’auteur. Nous mettons en garde les lecteurs de ne pas prendre de décision particulière sans avoir préalablement obtenu l’avis juridique d’un professionnel qualifié. Toute personne qui décide de prendre une décision en s’appuyant sur ces renseignements le fait à ses propres risques.