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New privacy law could apply to all non-profits – Ontario government launches consultations

8 septembre 2020 | David Krebs, Amanda Cutinha

Impact Social

On August 13, 2020, the Ontario Government (the “Government”) launched consultations on establishing provincial privacy legislation for the private sector. As one of the stated goals is to expand the scope and application of private sector privacy law to non-commercial organizations such […]


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COVID-19: Cross country update (August 29 – September 3, 2020)

3 septembre 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Federal The Government of Canada announced the following measures: Deadlines Extended for Canada Emergency Business Account and Business Credit Availability Program The application deadline for the Canada Emergency Business Account has been extended from August 31 to October 31, 2020. […]


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Ontario extends temporary layoff provisions

3 septembre 2020 | Lisa Goodfellow

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

Today, the Ontario Government announced further amendments to extend the maximum periods of temporary layoffs to January 2, 2021, before they could be deemed to be terminations under the Employment Standards Act, 2000. The goal is to preserve jobs longer, […]


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Construction dispute resolution in Ontario

3 septembre 2020 | Michael Farace

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (“CCDC”) forms of contract provide for a dispute resolution process that is generally contained in Part 8 of the contract. Generally, the CCDC forms of contract provide for a phased format of dispute resolution that […]


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Tarion’s response to COVID-19

3 septembre 2020 | Richard MacGregor

Des idées en chantier : Droit de la construction MT – Ontario

The Government of Ontario’s Emergency Order suspending statutory limitation periods and procedural timelines is coming to an end as of September 14, 2020.  These suspensions have similarly affected the procedural timelines under the Ontario New Home Warranties Plan Act (“ONHWPA”). […]


La résiliation pour cause : l’importance de suivre scrupuleusement la procédure de résiliation

1 septembre 2020 | Antoine Gamache

À-Propos Juridique Construction

Journal Constructo – 20 août 2020 La Cour Supérieure a récemment rappelé dans l’affaire Theodore Azuelos consultants en technologies (TACT) inc. c. CHU de Québec – Université Laval [1] l’importance pour le donneur d’ouvrage de suivre scrupuleusement la procédure de […]


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Lifting the stay

1 septembre 2020 | Tamie Dolny, Asim Iqbal, Kenneth R. Rosenstein

Communiqué - Services financiers et restructuration

On July 27, 2020, the Newfoundland and Labrador Supreme Court (the “Court”) released its decision in Great North Data Ltd., (Re),[1] where Justice Handrigan outlined principles for courts to consider when exercising their power under section 69.4 of the Bankruptcy […]


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COVID-19: Cross country update (August 27-28, 2020)

28 août 2020

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

British Columbia The Government of British Columbia announced the following measures: Repealing the Haida Gwaii Travel Ban Via Order in Council, the ban on travel to Haida Gwaii for non-residents and non-essential travel has been repealed. For more information, see […]


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Ontario government launches consultations on establishing provincial privacy regime for private sector

28 août 2020 | David Krebs, Amanda Cutinha

Blogue Cybersécurité de MT

On August 13, 2020, the Ontario Government (the “Government”) launched consultations on establishing provincial privacy legislation for the private sector, likely including not-for-profits and charities. The collection, use, and disclosure of personal information is currently governed by federal legislation, the […]


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Bill 21: Electronic wills in British Columbia

27 août 2020 | Alexander Swabuk

Blogue sur le litige en matière de succession

Following the surge of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the BC Legislature undertook a myriad of proactive measures to assist the general public. One such step from an estate planning perspective was the introduction of Bill 21: Wills Estates and Succession Amendment Act, […]


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