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Ontario REALTORS® can now use personal real estate corporations – Miller Thomson assists OREA in crafting regulatory scheme

12 novembre 2020 | Katherine Cavan, David Tang

Rapport - Droit immobilier

Introduction On October 1, 2020, Regulation 536/20 under the Trust in Real Estate Services Act, 2020 (the “Regulation”) came into force, providing Ontario brokers and salespersons registered with the Real Estate Commission of Ontario (“Registrants”) the ability to incorporate a […]


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Episode 6: The role of an environmental expert in legal matters

9 novembre 2020 | Tamara Farber, Bryan J. Buttigieg

Morning Commute with Miller Thomson

Listen to Ep. 6 of Morning Commute with Miller Thomson. In this episode, we discuss the use of experts in an environmental law practice.


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R. v. Canfield: Customs Act provision struck down on Charter grounds

6 novembre 2020 | Tom Ghag

Bulletin du groupe Commerce mondial et douanes

In R. v. Canfield, 2020 ABCA 383, the Alberta Court of Appeal considered the constitutionality of paragraph 99(1)(a) of the Customs Act (Canada) (the “Act”). Mr. Canfield and Mr. Townsend, who are both Canadian citizens, arrived at the Edmonton International […]


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Proposed changes to workers’ compensation and occupational health and safety legislation in Alberta

6 novembre 2020 | Jill W. Wilkie, Teri Treiber

Communiqué droit du travail et de l'emploi

On November 5, 2020, the Government of Alberta introduced Bill 47, Ensuring Safety and Cutting Red Tape Act, 2020 (the “Bill”). The stated purpose of the Bill is to: (i) make workplace safety laws easier to understand without making substantive […]


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The latest in insurance bad faith claims

5 novembre 2020 | Theodore J. Madison

Blogue : Droit des assurances

A bad faith claim against an insurer may result in liability beyond the policy limit. Where a plaintiff establishes that its insurer has responded to a claim in a manner that is offensive, reprehensible, or high-handed, the insurer may be […]


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BC introduces benefit companies

5 novembre 2020 | Sarah Fitzpatrick

Impact Social

On June 30, 2020, British Columbia became the first Canadian jurisdiction to permit corporations to incorporate as benefit companies.  The concept of benefit companies or benefit corporations originated in the U.S. A benefit company is a for-profit corporation with a […]


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Reminder: T3010 Registered Charity Information Return filing extension coming to an end!

5 novembre 2020 | Jordyn Allan

Impact Social

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Charities Directorate extended the filing deadline to December 31, 2020 for all charities with a Form T3010 Registered Charity Information Return due between March 18, 2020 and December 31, 2020. Normally, charities are […]


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What charities and NPOs need to know following the AGA v Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada Decision

5 novembre 2020 | Gwenyth Stadig

Impact Social

Introductory Thoughts In January 2020, the Court of Appeal for Ontario released its judgment in Aga v Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of Canada (“Aga”). This decision considers whether the written constitution and by-laws of a voluntary religious corporation form the […]


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Ability to hold virtual meetings for Ontario not-for-profit corporations extended until May 31, 2021

2 novembre 2020 | Karima Kanani, Meg Berkovitz

Communiqué sur la santé

On October 1, 2020, Ontario passed Regulation 544/20 under the Corporations Act (the “Regulation”), extending the ability for corporations to hold Member, Board and Board Committee meetings electronically until May 31, 2021.  This means that corporations governed by the Corporations […]


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Pension plan regulatory relief and COVID-19 relief measures: An update

2 novembre 2020 | Kim Ozubko

Blogue matinal : Régimes de retraite

The author would like to acknowledge the contributions of Madison Derraugh, Student-at-law, in the writing of this update. In this summary, we provide an update to the end of October 2020 on COVID-19 relief measures in respect of registered pension […]


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