The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy at your fingertips

( Disponible en anglais seulement )

21 avril 2020 | Lisa Goodfellow, Jenifer C. Gentle

Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy calculator

As previously reported, the Government is implementing the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS), which will provide a 75% wage subsidy of up to $847 per employee per week, to eligible employers, for up to 12 weeks.

The government has now launched the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy calculator to support employers as they prepare to apply for the CEWS.  The calculator can be found on the Canada Revenue Agency’s Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy web page.  This Web page also includes information and instructions about who can apply for the subsidy, how eligibility is assessed, and how the subsidy is calculated.

Employers are encouraged to sign up for My Business Account or Represent a Client, as they will be able to apply through these portals.  The application process will be opened on April 27 and funds will begin to be released on May 5.

Occupational health and safety

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has developed a series of pandemic guidance tip sheets to help high-risk occupations and essential services and industries work safely during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Available tip sheets include recommendations for construction, daycares, manufacturing, food processing, restaurants and food services, healthcare, mining, retail, transportation, airlines and home delivery.  The tip sheets are free and can be accessed at:

The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has also provided an online space, Pandemic Info Share, to enable businesses and organizations to share their pandemic-related good practices and resources.  The website is available in English and French, and users can search by industry/sector, resource type, and topics.

Miller Thomson’s COVID-19 hub

Miller Thomson is closely monitoring the unprecedented measures being taken by the federal and provincial governments in response to COVID-19 to ensure that we provide our clients with the appropriate support in this rapidly changing environment.  We have written on a variety of topics to help identify the pertinent issues, understand the legal implications, minimize risk exposure and manage legal obligations.  These materials can be found on our COVID-19 Resources Hub and are updated regularly.  Materials include a daily update, as well as these regularly updated charts:

COVID-19: Cross-Canada support programs for employers and employees

COVID-19: Special Leave Provisions

Guide to Statutory leaves of absence

Statutory temporary layoffs across Canada


Miller Thomson is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation to ensure that we provide our clients with appropriate support in this rapidly changing environment. For articles, information updates and firm developments, please visit our COVID-19 Resources page.

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