COVID-19: Cross country update (July 13, 2020)

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13 juillet 2020

British Columbia

The Government of British Columbia announced the following measures:

Extension of Authorization for Packaged Liquor

The Government is extending the temporary authorization that allows restaurants and liquor primary licensees to sell and deliver sealed and packaged liquor products, when purchased with a meal. The extension will be in-place until Oct. 31, 2020.  For more details on this policy, see the Liquor and Regulation Branch policy directives.



The Government of Alberta announced the following measures:

20 Million Free Masks Available

Free masks are available for pick-up at more than 700 A&W, McDonald’s Canada and Tim Hortons locations. No purchase is necessary and eight masks per person will be distributed.  Albertans are encouraged to wear a mask when physical distancing is not possible.

Masks will also be distributed to residents, clients and members by long-term care and supportive living, seniors facilities, community groups, social service organizations, libraries, court houses and places of worship.  As well, municipalities without easy access to an A&W, McDonald’s Canada or a Tim Hortons will be supplied with masks to distribute to their residents, as will First Nations communities and Metis Settlements.

As well, four million masks will be provided to transit systems across Alberta to be used by transit riders.  7-Eleven will be providing logistics to ship and deliver these masks from the government warehouse to each participating transit service.

Strengthening Alberta’s Pandemic Response

The Alberta Government is seeking proposals for a third-party to review the province’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The purpose is to enhance the province’s ability to respond to a potential second wave of COVID-19 and any future pandemics.  All aspects of the pandemic response will be reviewed including:

  • health system response;
  • economic response;
  • governance and decision-making;
  • procurement;
  • engagement with other governments and stakeholders; and
  • communications.

Proposals must be submitted by August 10, with the goal of picking the successful candidate by August 19.



The Government of Saskatchewan announced the following measures:

More Health Services Resume

Beginning July 13, health services will continue to expand including:

  • Further enhanced mental health and addictions support, including the opening of social detox and addictions inpatient treatment;
  • Additional chronic diseases management/wellness programs/stroke prevention;
  • Specialized services for clients with developmental disabilities, Autism and brain injuries; and
  • Increasing surgical volumes to between 75-85% of pre-COVID levels.

All services are listed on the Saskatchewan Health Authority website, with new services being added each day.

Universal Testing Begins this Week

Beginning July 14, COVID-19 testing will be available universally to anyone who requests it, regardless of whether they have symptoms or not.  A referral for testing can be made by contacting HealthLine 811.  Patients will be prioritized for testing based on a number of factors.



The Government of Ontario announced the following measures:

Most Businesses and Public Spaces to Reopen in Stage 3

The following public health unit regions will be allowed to move into Stage 3 on July 17, 2020:

  • Algoma Public Health;
  • Brant County Health Unit;
  • Chatham-Kent Public Health;
  • Eastern Ontario Health Unit;
  • Grey Bruce Health Unit;
  • Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit;
  • Hastings Prince Edward Public Health;
  • Huron Perth Public Health;
  • Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington Public Health;
  • Leeds Grenville & Lanark District Health Unit;
  • Middlesex-London Health Unit;
  • North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit;
  • Northwestern Health Unit;
  • Ottawa Public Health;
  • Peterborough Public Health;
  • Porcupine Health Unit;
  • Public Health Sudbury & Districts;
  • Region of Waterloo Public Health and Emergency Services;
  • Renfrew County and District Health Unit;
  • Simcoe-Muskoka District Health Unit;
  • Southwestern Public Health;
  • Thunder Bay District Health Unit;
  • Timiskaming Health Unit; and
  • Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health.

Decisions on when other regions will enter Stage 3 will be made in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and other health experts and be based on trends of key public health indicators.

Stage 3 allows for increased gathering limits:

  • Indoor gathering limits will increase to a maximum of 50 people; and
  • Outdoor gathering limits will increase to a maximum of 100 people.

Physical distancing requirements of two-metres must still be maintained at public gathering events, such as community events or gatherings, concerts, live shows, festivals, conferences, sports and recreational fitness activities, fundraisers, fairs, festivals or open houses.

Social circles in all stages must be kept to a maximum of 10 people province-wide, regardless of stage.

Even if a region has entered Stage 3, the following are still prohibited:

  • Amusement parks and water parks;
  • Buffet-style food services;
  • Dancing at restaurants and bars, other than by performers hired by the establishment following specific requirements;
  • Overnight stays at camps for children;
  • Private karaoke rooms;
  • Prolonged or deliberate contact while playing sports;
  • Saunas, steam rooms, bath houses and oxygen bars; and
  • Table games at casinos and gaming establishments.

For more information on Stage 3, visit the Reopening Ontario website.

Beginning on July 27, 2020, child care centres will be permitted to operate with cohorts of 15 children (up from 10) with strict safety and operational requirements in place.



The Government of Quebec announced the following measures:

Lifting Suspension of Time Limits in Civil and Criminal Matters

On July 13, the Québec Government announced the lifting of the suspension of time limits in civil and criminal matters as of September 1. In civil matters, the time limits in case protocols in force on March 15, 2020 will be extended by 45 days as of September 1.

Mandatory Wearing of Masks in Indoor Public Spaces

As of July 18, the wearing of masks will be mandatory in indoor public spaces, including restaurants and bars, throughout Québec. Business owners will have to ensure that all customers wear a mask, under penalty of a fine.

Assistance Program for the Audiovisual Sector

On July 13, the Québec Government announced a $51 million temporary assistance program for the audiovisual sector. The program will be posted online July 15 on the website of the Société de développement des entreprises culturelles.

Montréal – State of Emergency Renewal

On July 10, the Montréal agglomeration extended the state of emergency on its territory until July 15.


Le gouvernement du Québec a annoncé les mesures suivantes :

Levée de la suspension des délais en matières civile et pénale

Le 13 juillet, le gouvernement du Québec a annoncé la levée de la suspension des délais en matières civile et pénale dès le 1er septembre. En matière civile, les délais de mise en état prévus aux protocoles de l’instance en vigueur au 15 mars 2020 seront prolongés de 45 jours à compter du 1er septembre.

Port du masque obligatoire dans les lieux publics fermés

Le 13 juillet, le gouvernement du Québec a annoncé que le port du masque sera obligatoire dans les lieux publics fermés, ce qui inclut les restaurants et les bars, et ce, partout au Québec, à compter du 18 juillet. Les commerçants devront s’assurer que tous les clients portent un masque, sous peine d’amende.

Programme d’aide pour le secteur de l’audiovisuel

Le 13 juillet, le gouvernement du Québec a annoncé un programme d’aide temporaire de 51M$ pour le secteur de l’audiovisuel. Le programme sera mis en ligne le 15 juillet sur le site internet de la Société de développement des entreprises culturelles (SODEC).

Montréal – Renouvellement de l’état d’urgence

Le 10 juillet, l’agglomération de Montréal a renouvelé l’état d’urgence jusqu’au 15 juillet sur l’ensemble de son territoire.


New Brunswick

The Government of New Brunswick announced the following measures:

Service New Brunswick

Service New Brunswick will reopen on July 13. Until then, many of Service New Brunswick’s services can be conducted online through their website or by calling Teleservices at 1-888-762-8600, including renewing a driver’s licence, registering a vehicle or booking a driving test. The renewal of all licences, registrations, certificates and permits has been extended to July 31, 2020, unless suspended by a court or by other authority.


Northwest Territories

The Government of the Northwest Territories announced the following measures:

Government-Operated DMV Offices

Government-operated DMV offices will reopen for in-person services on July 14, 2020. While inside the office, clients are asked to wear a mask and practice social distancing.

To obtain information on booking an appointment, clients should contact their local DMV office. Walk-in appointments will be processed, but wait times may be longer than usual. For DMV services in Yellowknife, clients are asked to book an appointment in advance by emailing [email protected].

DMV On-line Services will also continue to operate.


Miller Thomson is closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation to ensure that we provide our clients with appropriate support in this rapidly changing environment. For articles, information updates and firm developments, please visit our COVID-19 Resources page.

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