Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Supreme Court says corporations not protected against cruel and unusual punishment

9 février 2021

Overview The Supreme Court of Canada confirmed that corporations are not protected from cruel or unusual punishment by section 12 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms [Charter] in the recent decision of Québec (Attorney General) v 9147-0732 Québec […]


Guide pratique pour vendre des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) aux marchés publics québécois

27 janvier 2021 | Montréal

mmode - La Grappe métropolitaine de la mode | The Metropolitan Fashion Cluster -

La Grappe mmode a retenu les services de Me Philipp Park et Me Louis-Philippe Borduas pour la réalisation de la section sur les considérations légales de leur Guide pratique pour vendre des équipements de protection individuelle (EPI) aux marchés publics […]


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Tracey Bailey discusses COVID-19 and the rule of law

7 janvier 2021 | Edmonton

The Rule of Law Matters Podcast, “Season 1, episode 7, COVID-19 and the rule of law, Part 2”

Tracey Bailey speaks on The Rule of Law Matters Podcast. She walks through some of the differences in legislation in BC and Alberta as it relates to emergency powers and explained the relationship between the medical officer and government officials. […]


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‘Tis the Season: For a Spike in Cargo Theft

31 décembre 2020 | Toronto

Private Motor Carrier Magazine, Vol. 8, Issue 5 - Winter 2020, pp 32-34

The cost of cargo crime in Canada is estimated to be around $5 billion annually, perpetrated primarily through the theft of trucks and transport trailers full of merchandise. The Greater Toronto Area reportedly has among the highest rates of cargo […]


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Up the Creek without a Paddle: The Law Relating to Unincorporated Associations

31 décembre 2020 | Toronto

Estates Trusts & Pensions Journal

Charities and non-profit organizations are often faced with the question of whether to incorporate. Some decide that it is not worth the trouble, while others put off the decision until the organization grows in size. There are also those that […]


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C.M. Callow Inc. v Zollinger: The Supreme Court of Canada clarifies the duty of honest contractual performance

22 décembre 2020

In C.M. Callow Inc. v. Zollinger[1], the Supreme Court of Canada clarified the scope of the duty of honest performance in connection with the exercise of a seemingly unrestricted termination clause in a contract. In doing so, the Court affirms […]


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Bill 41 and proposed changes to Alberta’s Insurance Act

21 décembre 2020 | Edmonton

The Lawyers Daily

Authored by Tessa Green, Miller Thomson Associate This year has brought many changes and in keeping with that theme, the government of Alberta introduced significant amendments to the Insurance Act through Bill 41, the Insurance (Enhancing Driver Affordability and Care) […]


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Paths Forward in Financially Troubled Times: A Restructuring and Insolvency Guidebook for Charities and Non-profit Organizations

15 décembre 2020 | Toronto

The Muttart Foundation

Susan Manwaring and Craig Mills are contributors to The Muttart Foundation’s Paths Forward in Financially Troubled Times: A Restructuring and Insolvency Guidebook for Charities and Non-profit Organizations. The resource sets out various options available to organizations experiencing financial hardship. Read […]


Dans le blanc des yeux : Tendances en matière de fusions et acquisitions au Canada (numéro 4, 2020)

14 décembre 2020

Vous pouvez dès maintenant consulter le quatrième numéro de cette publication trimestrielle sur notre site Web. Vous y trouverez des commentaires d’associés de Miller Thomson de l’ensemble du Canada, un survol des transactions réalisées au troisième trimestre ainsi que des […]


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Lisa Goodfellow quoted in SHRM article on Canada’s Supreme Court ruling for entitlement to bonus pay after wrongful dismissal

9 décembre 2020 | Toronto

SHRM, "Canada’s Supreme Court Entitles Dismissed Employees to Bonuses"

The Supreme Court of Canada unanimously ruled in October 2020 in favor of a former employee’s entitlement to bonus pay and other benefits after being forced out of the company. Lisa Goodfellow, an attorney with Miller Thomson LLP in Toronto, […]


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