Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 261-270 of 361

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Troy McEachren quoted in Canadian Lawyer article on MAID legislation

19 mars 2021 | Montréal

Canadian Lawyer

With the Senate passage of Bill C-7 on Wednesday night and royal assent received, Canadians now have expanded rights to medical assistance in dying (MAID). The new legislation “was expected,” says Montreal private client lawyer Troy McEachren. Revisions to the […]


Dans le blanc des yeux : Tendances en matière de fusions et acquisitions au Canada (numéro 1, 2021)

15 mars 2021

Apprenez-en davantage à propos des dynamiques qui ont alimenté la croissance du nombre d’opérations de fusion et d’acquisition au Canada au quatrième trimestre de 2020 — notamment le retour des mégatransactions ainsi que le rebond des transactions transfrontalières — grâce […]


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Jonathan Tong quoted in Financial Post article on Esports industry

15 mars 2021 | Toronto

Financial Post, "This Canadian company is taking aim at the $150-billion-plus global video-game industry"

“There are so many different levels at play with esports,” said Jonathan Tong, a partner and capital markets specialist at law firm Miller Thomson LLP in Toronto. Tong has been following the esports/gaming boom while fielding a lot of calls […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare discusses Qnext’s vision and more in an episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

11 mars 2021 | Toronto

RegTech Roundup, "Founder Series - Qnext"

Myron Mallia Dare sat down with Anthony DeCristofaro, President and CEO of Qnext for a fireside chat on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast. Myron discussed Qnext’s vision and the opportunities and challenges they faced on their […]


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The Business of Charities & Nonprofits: The Need for Change

8 mars 2021 | Toronto

PANL Perspectives

Charities and nonprofits have long been entrepreneurial and innovative in developing new means of generating revenue to achieve their missions and serve our communities. They sell cookies and agricultural products, run cafés, market software, and much more. The devastating effects […]


Série de portraits d’avocates dans Droit Inc.

8 mars 2021 | Montréal

Droit Inc.

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale de la femme, Droit-Inc propose une série de portraits d’avocates passionnées et inspirantes qui ont su conjuguer leur pratique avec leur vie de femme et leurs convictions personnelles. Claudia Desjardins Bélisle | Associée | […]


Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions : Mandats représentatifs de 2020

25 février 2021

Les équipes spécialisées en fusions et acquisitions et marchés financiers de Miller Thomson ont participé à plusieurs transactions de 2020. Ce document récemment publié met en lumière certaines des transactions les plus importantes auxquelles a participé le cabinet.


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Susan Manwaring quoted in The Philanthropist on Bill S-222

23 février 2021 | Toronto

The Philanthropist

Senator Ratna Omidvar earlier this month introduced legislation in the Senate that proposes amendments to the Income Tax Act to allow charities to partner with non-charities and give Indigenous and racialized organizations greater freedom and power to operate. Omidvar’s Bill S-222, the […]


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Gary Rosen quoted in Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) on Quebec’s Curfew

22 février 2021 | Montréal

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), « Canada: Ontario, Quebec Ease Lockdown Restrictions » In Quebec, workers who do not provide priority services—such as financial services, health care, legal services, manufacturing and retail—should stay home and telework if possible, explained Gary Rosen, […]


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Critical issues that need to be addressed when engaging a RegTech provider

19 février 2021 | Toronto

Myron Mallia-Dare authors an article in the Global RegTech Buyer’s Guide 2021, a comprehensive information source on the global RegTech market and supplier ecosystem to help senior management and compliance professionals at financial institutions address concerns with compliance, risk management […]


Affichage de 261-270 of 361