Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Susan Manwaring contributes the Canadian Association of Gift Planners’ guidelines on charitable donations on life insurance

21 mai 2021 | Toronto

Canadian Association of Gift Planners

Susan Manwaring contributed to the guidelines on charitable donations on life insurance released by the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP).  As noted by the CAGP: Following concerns expressed in recent years by some insurance industry regulators regarding the use […]


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Susan Manwaring and Katrina Kairys contribute to Muttart Intersections and Innovations publication

14 mai 2021 | Toronto

Muttart Intersections and Innovations

Susan Manwaring and Katrina Kairys authored a chapter on « Regulating Business Activity » for the Muttart Intersections and Innovations publication. As noted by The Muttart Foundation: For far too long, Canada has lacked a comprehensive resource examining Canada’s charitable sector. That […]


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Dealing With Canada – Challenges And Opportunities For Global Wealth And Tax Planners

12 mai 2021 | Toronto

IFC Media

Over the last decade, Canadian tax and private client practitioners have faced an ever-increasing amount of international and cross-border inquiries. Canada’s rapidly changing demographics are partially responsible for this trend. The country’s largest city, Toronto, and the region surrounding it, […]


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Bill 245 receives Royal Assent, bringing reform to Ontario estate law

12 mai 2021 | Toronto

OBA Trusts and Estates Law Section

Bill 245, Accelerating Access to Justice Act, 2021 (“Bill 245”) received Royal Assent on April 19, 2021, bringing significant reform to Ontario estate law. Vitual Witnessing of Wills and Powers of Attorney In response to the outbreak of COVID-19, the […]


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Lisa Goodfellow quoted in SHRM article on a policy to give workers the legal right to disconnect from work

5 mai 2021 | Toronto

SHRM, "Canada Considers Granting Right to Disconnect"

« Employers that do not operate on a traditional 9-to-5 schedule have raised valid questions about how the right to disconnect would apply to them in practice, » said Lisa Goodfellow, an attorney with Miller Thomson in Toronto. « An important consideration among […]


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Public engagement for infrastructure projects

26 avril 2021 | Vancouver

Canadian Consulting Engineer

Public engagement can serve a fundamental role in the democratic process. It usually involves a level of government deliberately involving the public in a decision-making process. The level of engagement can range from requesting input to granting decision-making authority. In […]


Alexandre Ajami, auteur dans les Développements récents en droit de la propriété intellectuelle (2020) du Barreau du Québec

8 avril 2021 | Montréal

Barreau du Québec - Service de la Formation continue, Éditions Yvon Blais

Lorsque le droit administratif rencontre le droit de la propriété intellectuelle : l’impact de l’arrêt Vavilov sur l’appel d’une décision du registraire des marques de commerce La plupart des décisions du Registraire des marques de commerce (le « Registraire »), incluant celles […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with Finhaven’s President and CEO on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

8 avril 2021 | Toronto

RegTech Roundup, "Founder Series - Finhaven"

Myron Mallia-Dare sat down with « DH » Kim, President and CEO of Finhaven for a fireside chat on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast. Myron discussed Finhaven’s growth and deployment of its blockchain technology based capital markets platform. […]


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William Fowlis quoted in The Globe and Mail’s Family Business Report

8 avril 2021 | Calgary

The Globe & Mail (Sponsored Content)

William Fowlis is quoted in The Globe and Mail’s Family Business Report: Running a family business involves intricate teamwork by a group of family members collaborating in lockstep for the good of the entire enterprise. It also requires advisors working […]


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M. Elena Hoffstein co-authors 2nd edition of Charitable Giving in Canada

6 avril 2021 | Toronto

M. Elena Hoffstein is the co-author of Charitable Giving in Canada (2nd edition), released in 2021 by Thomson Reuters. Charitable Giving in Canada provides a comprehensive but practical tool to assist professional advisors, charities, corporations and individuals who wish to […]


Affichage de 251-260 of 361