Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Myron Mallia-Dare interviewed on the latest episode of the Voice of FinTech Podcast

14 décembre 2021 | Toronto

Myron Mallia-Dare was interviewed by Rudolf Falat on the latest episode of the Voice of FinTech podcast. During this episode, Myron discusses FinTech Mergers and Acquisitions and Venture Capital investments and the nuances of doing deals in Canada, Europe and […]


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When Environmental Consultants’ Reports Trigger Litigation Time Limits

9 décembre 2021 | Vaughan

Canadian Consulting Engineer - Digital Edition

Bryan Buttigieg’s article is published in the most recent edition of the Canadian Consulting Engineer (pages 20-21). The intersection of legal and engineering issues is quite evident in the context of environmental site investigation reports – most commonly in the […]


Dans le blanc des yeux : Tendances en matière de fusions et acquisitions au Canada (numéro 4, 2021)

7 décembre 2021

En plus de vous présenter un survol trimestriel des transactions de F&A au pays, le dernier numéro de Dans le blanc des yeux traite de l’environnement transactionnel et des occasions à venir dans le secteur du cannabis.


Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions : Mandats représentatifs des trois premiers trimestres de 2021

6 décembre 2021

Les équipes F&A/Marchés financiers de Miller Thomson sont heureuses de vous présenter certaines des transactions auxquelles elles ont participé lors de la période T1-T3 2021. Ce document démontre l’expertise et la portée du cabinet.


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Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with Jennifer Arnold Co-founder and CEO of on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

6 décembre 2021 | Toronto

RegTech Roundup, “Founder Series – » Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with Jennifer Arnold, Co-founder and CEO of to hear about Minerva’s journey of developing and commercializing its RegTech platform using deep learning and automation to execute enhanced due diligence and […]


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Fareeha Qaiser featured in Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association profile

8 novembre 2021 | Vancouver

Fareeha Qaiser is featured in a profile by the Canadian Muslim Lawyers Association. She speaks to her inspiration for joining the legal profession and experiences as a Muslim lawyer. Read the full profile.


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Karima Kanani is featured in « Happy Lawyers, » an article in the Canadian Bar Association’s National Magazine

4 novembre 2021 | Toronto

This article addresses five commonalities between lawyers who are happy in their profession. Miller Thomson’s Karima Kanani is highlighted for creating flexibility in her work day, allowing her to find work-life balance. Karima’s full profile is available on the Not […]


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Levelling the playing field: The rise of litigation funding in Canada

28 octobre 2021

The prohibitively high cost of litigation is arguably one of the main barriers to access to justice in Canada. As in many other legal markets, the soaring cost of legal fees has created an impediment to even well resourced parties […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare speaks with Senior Vice President of Solution Services at DFIN and President of Ficanex Technology Inc. on a recent episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast

25 octobre 2021 | Toronto

RegTech Roundup, « Founder Series – DFIN and Ficanex » On the latest episode of the Canadian RegTech Association’s podcast, Myron was joined by Ted Hershey, Senior Vice President of Solution Services at DFIN and Andrew Obee, President of Ficanex Technology Inc. […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare and Genesa Olivieri’s article on using warrants to close the gap on transactions published by Business Law Today

25 octobre 2021 | Toronto, Vaughan

ABA Business Law Today  There has been a significant uptick in the number of start-ups and emerging companies using warrants to close the gap on various transactions. When offered in conjunction with effective negotiation, warrants can incentivize third parties to […]


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