Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 201-210 of 361

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BC overhauls lien regime as new Commercial Liens Act receives royal assent

4 avril 2022

On March 31, 2022, British Columbia passed new legislation that will reform and consolidate the law on commercial liens in British Columbia. Bill 11 – 2022: Commercial Liens Act (the “CLA”) will modernize this area of the law and establish […]


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Eric Sherkin comments on the interplay of virtual versus in-person trials on court operations

1 avril 2022 | Toronto

Law Times "Lawyers increasingly concerned about interplay between virtual and in-person court operations"

Eric Sherkin speaks about the interplay of virtual versus in-person trials in court operations. In the article, Eric discusses the possible questions that lawyers may have as the system sees technical changes and how these changes have standardized the use […]


Dans le blanc des yeux : Tendances en matière de fusions et acquisitions au Canada (numéro 1, 2022)

1 avril 2022

En plus de la revue trimestrielle des fusions et acquisitions au Canada, nos associés vous présentent, dans ce numéro, leur point de vue sur les perspectives pour 2022.


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Charitable donations to Ukraine: Four problematic assumptions

21 mars 2022 | Vancouver

The Lawyer's Daily

Stephen Hsia authors an article for The Lawyer’s Daily outlining some problematic assumptions to be aware of when making charitable donations: Canadians are concerned about the armed conflict and humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. Donors and charities want to help — […]


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Doing Charity: Revisiting Charity Law’s Distinction between Purposes and Activities

16 mars 2022 | Toronto

Perspectives on Tax Law & Policy (March 2022)

Adam Parachin authored an article on charity law’s distinction between purposes and activities. Charitable registration under the ITA is a momentous event in the life of a charity. But it is merely a beginning. From this point onward, the charity […]


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Registered Charities and Revenue Generation: Where to Now?

16 mars 2022 | Toronto

Perspectives on Tax Law & Policy (March 2022), Canadian Tax Foundation

Susan Manwaring authored an article on the key recommendations from the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector to support charities’ revenue-generating activities. In its 2019 report, the Special Senate Committee on the Charitable Sector discussed the role of charities […]


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Brittany Sud quoted in Investment Executive article on reporting rules for bare trusts

14 mars 2022 | Toronto

Investment Executive, "Expanded reporting rules for bare trusts have estate practitioners uneasy"

Brittany Sud is quoted in an Investment Executive article that delves into the federal government’s proposal to expand trust reporting rules to cover « bare trusts ». Bare trusts are also used to mitigate or plan around the relatively high estate administration […]


Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions : Mandats représentatifs de 2021

4 mars 2022

La publication « Aider nos clients à réaliser leurs ambitions » souligne l’expertise multisectorielle et les capacités multiterritoriales de Miller Thomson. Consultez les transactions conclues en 2021 :


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The emergencies are over, but many questions remain

28 février 2022 | Toronto

The Lawyer's Daily

James Manson authors an article on the issues surrounding the invocation of the Emergencies Act: On Feb. 23, 2022, Canada’s federal government revoked its declaration of a public order emergency, which had been made only nine days earlier pursuant to […]


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Changing Times: A Look at Trends Impacting Canadian Automobile Dealerships and What it Means for Insolvency Professionals

25 février 2022 | Toronto

CAIRP Rebuilding Success

Asim Iqbal co-authored an article on the trends that are impacting Canadian automobile dealerships and the implications for insolvency professionals. The COVID-19 pandemic brought about monumental changes to how we live and work as a society, affecting every business in […]


Affichage de 201-210 of 361