Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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David Chodikoff and Justin Ng publish article on Canadian civil tax disputes in IBA Business Law International publication

6 juin 2022 | Toronto

IBA Business Law International

An article by David Chodikoff and Justin Ng on « Canadian Civil Tax Disputes: Taxpayer Opportunities to Resolve Tax Issues » is featured in the IBA Business Law International publication. Published by the IBA’s Legal Practice Division, Business Law International is circulated […]


Bruno Caron signale le risque que pose l’impact des changements climatiques dans le secteur financier de la gestion d’actifs pour les gestionnaires de caisses de retraite

26 mai 2022 | Montréal

La Presse, «Les caisses de retraite défiées par les attentes en investissement durable»

Le défi d’intégrer les principes d’investissement responsable et des critères ESG (environnement, société, gouvernance) est complexe pour les administrateurs de régimes de retraite. Les gestionnaires de caisses de retraite qui tardent à intégrer des critères d’investissement durable courent le risque […]


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ESG: Creating value and mitigating risk in mergers & acquisitions

20 mai 2022

Companies must consider environmental, social and governance (« ESG« ) factors in their mergers and acquisitions (« M&A« ) transactions to achieve maximum value and monitor risks. ESG matters are becoming increasingly significant in M&A transactions as businesses are facing mounting scrutiny and pressure […]


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Choosing One of Your Adult Children as Your RRSP/RRIF/TFSA Beneficiary? Think -and Act- Carefully

17 mai 2022

Planning Matters

Stephen Hsia authors an article outlining a few issues to consider when naming one of your adult children as the beneficiary on a registered plan: It’s an increasingly common story. A widow has several children, all of them adults. She […]


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Eric Sherkin comments on the modernization of legal proceedings and its future impact on virtual hearings

5 mai 2022 | Toronto

Daily Commercial News "Legal Notes: The jury’s out on the future impact of virtual hearings"

In this article, Eric Sherkin discusses the effects of modernization on legal proceedings and its future impacts on virtual hearings. “There was a lot of modernization of our system that was long overdue that was finally implemented out of necessity,” […]


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Susan Manwaring comments on the Federal Government’s proposed changes on how charities can fund third-party organizations

4 mai 2022 | Toronto

Canadian Lawyer "Ottawa proposes changes to how charities can fund third-party organizations"

This article discusses the changes proposed by the Federal Government to make it easier for charitable organizations to provide grant money to third-party organizations within Canada and abroad. The current rules are “complicated and quite onerous” and counter to how […]


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British Columbia allows electronic wills – A glimpse into Ontario’s future?

30 avril 2022

Ontario Bar Association Estates and Trusts Law Newsletter

Stephen Hsia writes an article on the promise and potential pitfalls of electronic wills: On December 1, 2021, British Columbia became the first province to allow electronic wills – fully digital wills. This development is welcome news for many Ontarians […]


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Please Pay ASAP: Saskatchewan’s Prompt Payment Legislation

14 avril 2022 | Regina

LexisNexis Construction Law Letter

In their latest article, Khurram Awan and Amir Aboguddah discuss the key features of the Saskatchewan’s Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act, 2019. Saskatchewan’s Builders’ Lien (Prompt Payment) Amendment Act, 2019 was proclaimed in force on March 1, 2022. The […]


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Karima Kanani featured in the Law Times on building a successful career

8 avril 2022 | Toronto

Law Times, "Miller Thomson partner Karima Kanani on why she doesn't buy into the term 'work-life balance'"

Corporate lawyer and Miller Thomson partner Karima Kanani believes people need to integrate their work and personal life to best suit them and does not buy into the phrase “work-life balance.” “I don’t have a start time or a finished […]


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Stephen Hsia featured in The Globe and Mail article on selecting an executor for a will

6 avril 2022 | Vancouver

The Globe and Mail, "Why you might need to update the executor in your will as you get older"

The article outlines the importance of choosing an executor and some of the factors to consider when making that decision: Stephen Hsia, a Vancouver lawyer specializing in estate planning with Miller Thomson LLP, has a « three T » rule for executor […]


Affichage de 191-200 of 361