Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Affichage de 131-140 of 361

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Privacy by Design and its current role in promoting trust in technology

3 février 2023

OneTrust DataGuidance

David Krebs and Amanda Cutinha author an article for DataGuidance on Privacy by Design: Digital technology has and is continuing to transform the ways in which we interact with ourselves, each other, and the world at large. However, the benefits […]


Bruno Caron présente le groupe Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise et marché du carbone à Droit-inc.

31 janvier 2023 | Montréal


Dans le cadre de son entrevue avec Droit-inc., Bruno Caron présente le groupe Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise et marché du carbone qu’il copréside avec P. Jason Kroft. Lire l’article : Un cabinet lance un nouveau groupe de pratique


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ESG and Carbon Finance Group Co-Chairs Jason Kroft and Bruno Caron speak to Canadian Lawyer

31 janvier 2023 | Montréal, Toronto

Canadian Lawyer

Canadian Lawyer interviews Jason Kroft and Bruno Caron on the launch of the firm’s ESG and Carbon Finance practice. 2023 will be a big year for developing standards, taxonomy, and objectives for ESG. […] The firm says its new group […]


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Charles Bois and Michelle Eng write on British Columbia’s proposed Watershed Security Strategy and Fund

15 janvier 2023 | Vancouver

Water Canada, Jan/Feb 2023, p. 26-28

Charles Bois and Michelle Eng (Articling Student) author an article for Water Canada on British Columbia’s strategy to promote healthy and secure watersheds: In January of 2022, the government of British Columbia issued a discussion paper seeking the public’s input […]


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Geoff Mason speaks on use of tracking software to monitor employee productivity on The Jas Johal Show

13 janvier 2023 | Vancouver

980CKNW The Jas Johal Show

A recent decision by the B.C. Civil Resolution Tribunal ordered an employee to reimburse her employer for time theft. Geoff Mason appears on The Jas Johal Show to discuss this case and the use of technology by employers to monitor […]


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Stephen Hsia comments on new BC estate planning laws in The Lawyer’s Daily

10 janvier 2023 | Vancouver

The Lawyer's Daily, "B.C. sees new year changes to estate planning, real estate laws"

Stephen Hsia is featured in an article from The Lawyer’s Daily on amendments in British Columbia to permanently allow for remote electronic witnessing of the signing of enduring powers of attorney and representation agreements: …practitioners usually recommend clients get what […]


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Geoff Mason discusses increased funding for B.C. Human Rights Tribunal on The Jas Johal Show

6 janvier 2023 | Vancouver

980CKNW The Jas Johal Show

Geoff Mason joins Jas Johal for a conversation on increased government funding for the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal to help address logjams and delays at the Tribunal. Listen to the episode: B.C boosts funding for the Human Rights Tribunal


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Elena Hoffstein featured on RBC’s « Matters Beyond Wealth » podcast

20 décembre 2022 | Toronto

RBC Matters Beyond Wealth Podcast

Elena Hoffstein is the featured guest on the December 7th, 2022 episode of RBC’s « Matters beyond Wealth » podcast. Speaking about «  »Are Trusts Dead? », Elena outlines the top three reasons that clients should consider trusts as part of their estate planning, […]


Décision dans l’affaire LBRY : un avertissement pour les développeurs des chaînes de blocs

14 décembre 2022

Le tribunal de district du New Hampshire (États-Unis) a récemment rendu sa décision dans l’affaire Securities and Exchange Commission c. LBRY Inc[1]. Cette cause est importante pour les communautés de chaînes de blocs, car il s’agit de la première mesure que […]


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Jay Hoffman and Maryam Zargar interviewed on addition of Zargar Lawyers team to Business Law Group

9 décembre 2022 International, "Canada's Miller Thomson Acquires Vancouver Boutique, Bolstering Corporate and M&A Group and Continuing 'Growth Mode'"

Jay Hoffman and Maryam Zargar speak to International on the growth of the Business Law Group in Vancouver with the recent addition of the Zargar Lawyers team: The firm, which has 11 offices across Canada, is actively in growth […]


Affichage de 131-140 of 361