Articles publiés et mentions dans les médias

Démontrant leur engagement professionnel à partager leurs réflexions pour que chacun puisse mieux comprendre les développements et tendances du droit, les avocats de Miller Thomson publient régulièrement des articles dans des publications juridiques et commerciales au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde.


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Stephen Hsia and Honor Lay author series on estate planning for kinless Canadians

19 juillet 2023 | Toronto, Vancouver


Estate planning for kinless Canadians is not necessarily simpler than creating a plan for a person with a spouse or children. Stephen Hsia and Honor Lay write a 2-part series for Law360 covering general considerations when appointing an executor or […]


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Geoff Mason discusses rules and regulations around working in extreme heat conditions

18 juillet 2023

980CKNW The Jas Johal Show

Geoff Mason appears on The Jas Johal Show sharing insights on the issue of employees working during heat events: I think one of the challenges with heat is that it’s not always clear … when that heat goes from being […]


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Navigating successful exits in private equity to maximize returns

12 juillet 2023

Over the past year, rising interest rates and stifling market conditions have contributed to a slowdown of leveraged transactions and overall deal-making in private equity. We’ve seen a historically deep decline in exits that poses a potential long-lasting drag on […]


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Chair Peter Auvinen interviewed by on Miller Thomson’s growth trajectory

2 juillet 2023 | Calgary, Edmonton, London, Montréal, Regina, Saskatoon, Toronto, Vancouver, Vaughan, Waterloo Region International

Chair Peter Auvinen was interviewed by International to offer his insight into the future of legal services for the Canadian mid-market and the impact of US law firm expansion into the country. He also discusses anticipated practice areas that […]


De la vision à l’évaluation : propulser les entreprises émergentes grâce aux conventions simplifiées de participation ultérieure (SAFE)

29 juin 2023

Les jeunes entreprises cherchent constamment de nouveaux investisseurs. Depuis quelques années, la convention simplifiée de participation ultérieure (« SAFE », de l’anglais simple agreement for future equity) s’impose comme un mode de financement populaire et utile pendant la phase de démarrage. En […]


Modification du Code de déontologie des lobbyistes du Canada : que faut-il savoir?

27 juin 2023

I. Introduction Une nouvelle version du Code de déontologie des lobbyistes, établi en application de la Loi sur le lobbying, L.R.C. 1985, ch. 44 (4e suppl.) (la « Loi »), entrera en vigueur le 1er juillet 2023. Ainsi, les lobbyistes enregistrés doivent se conformer au Code de […]


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Aaron Atcheson and Kyle Bertsch author article on green hydrogen power

31 mai 2023 | London

Water Canada, May/June 2023

The article looks at the sustainable utilization of water in generating green hydrogen power: In an effort to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, Canada has focused its attention towards the emerging industry of green hydrogen power as a source of […]


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Geoff Mason covers « stay interviews » on The Jas Johal Show

30 mai 2023 | Vancouver

980CKNW The Jas Johal Show

Geoff Mason is a guest on The Jas Johal Show discussing « stay interviews »: interviews that are conducted during the course of employment to identify what an employee likes or dislikes about their job. One of the main reason you have […]


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Lisa Goodfellow quoted in SHRM article on Accessibility Compliance Milestone

25 mai 2023 | Toronto

Lisa Goodfellow comments on the accessibility compliance milestone in a Society for Human Resource Management article – « Canada: Accessibility Compliance Milestone » : The Canadian government is pursuing this goal « so that individuals with disabilities can feel more comfortable using public […]


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Myron Mallia-Dare and Christopher Fallis publish article on Private Equity

24 mai 2023 | Toronto

Myron Mallia-Dare and Christopher Fallis’ article on « Structuring Co-Investments in Private Equity: Collaborating for Success » is featured in the American Bar Association’s Business Law: Co-investments in private equity are joint investments made by two or more investors, typically including a […]


Affichage de 101-110 of 361