
Miller Thomson has uniquely Canadian insights on the latest legal and business trends and developments, and how they affect you and your organization.


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Displaying 851-860 of 1800

BC waives farm income requirement

June 21, 2021 | Heather L. Jones, Noah Robinson-Dunning

The Food Web: Canadian Agribusiness and Food Law

On Monday, June 14, 2021, the Government of British Columbia announced that they are waiving the minimum income requirement for farms for the second consecutive year. Prior to the announcement last year, to be classified as a farm in B.C. […]


Episode 8: What employers need to know about workplace COVID-19 vaccination policies

June 21, 2021 | Stephen M. Torscher, Teri Treiber

Morning Commute with Miller Thomson

In this episode, we discuss the critical issues you need to think about before rolling out a COVID-19 vaccination policy at your workplace.


Upholstered domestic seating from Vietnam & China: Antidumping and countervailing duties

June 17, 2021 | Satinder Bains, Ronald Yeung, Daniel Kiselbach, MBA

Global Trade and Customs Bulletin

Canada on May 5, 2021 imposed provisional duties on upholstered domestic seating (“UDS”) originating or exported from China and Vietnam (“named countries”). UDS originating from China or Vietnam are under investigation by the Canada Border Services Agency (“CBSA”) and the […]


Making priority a priority in construction lien disputes

June 17, 2021 | Asim Iqbal, Monica Faheim, Craig A. Mills

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Ontario Edition

The financial difficulty precipitated by COVID-19 has reached virtually every industry, and  the construction sector is no exception. Debtors, lenders and trades dealing with insolvent construction projects will inevitably face priority disputes under Ontario’s Construction Act[1] (the “Act”) in instances […]


Prompt payment update

June 17, 2021 | Charles W. Bois, Emma L. Johnston, Matthew E. Wray

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Ontario Edition

Prompt payment legislation resembling that which exists in the U.S. has been spreading across Canada. Although Ontario is the only province so far to have prompt payment legislation in force, it has been enacted in Saskatchewan and Nova Scotia, recommended […]


Bill 96: Something new or déjà vu?

June 17, 2021 | Maxime B. Rhéaume, Kenneth R. Rosenstein, Mason Brenhouse, Emily Cruz Isgro

Financial Services & Restructuring Communiqué

On May 13, 2021, Bill 96: An Act Respecting French, The Official and Common Language of Québec (the “Bill”) was tabled by the Québec government. This Bill aims to provide for stricter protections of the French language within the Charter […]


Client alert: British Columbia Land Owner Transparency Registry

June 16, 2021 | Sharon MacMillan, Michael Walker

Real Estate Report

Effective November 30, 2020, the British Columbia Land Owner Transparency Act (“LOTA”) came into force, bringing into existence the new British Columbia Land Owner Transparency Registry (“LOTR”). This is a publicly searchable registry containing names, citizenship and other information of […]


New paid holiday for federally-regulated employees: National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

June 15, 2021 | Hugh R. Dyer

Labour and Employment Communiqué

On June 3, 2021, Bill C-5 (the “Bill”) received Royal Assent. The Bill amends the Canada Labour Code to add a tenth paid holiday for employees in the federally-regulated sector. The new holiday is designated as the National Day for […]


Ontario court finds temporary layoffs due to COVID-19 are not constructive dismissal at common law

June 15, 2021 | Michael Cleveland

Labour and Employment Communiqué

In a recent decision, Taylor v. Hanley Hospitality Inc., 2021 ONSC 3135 (“Taylor”), Justice Ferguson of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice held that an employee who was temporarily laid off due to COVID-19 was not constructively dismissed at common […]


Deception and Dower: Cases of Dower fraud in Alberta and Saskatchewan

June 9, 2021 | Anna Kosa, Stephen Mulrain

MT Estate Litigation Blog

The forms and procedures required in Alberta’s and Saskatchewan’s provincial “homestead legislation” create dower rights, which act as safeguards to protect spouses who do not own their homes (the non-owning spouse) from having their homes sold without their consent. However, […]


Displaying 851-860 of 1800


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