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Displaying 391-400 of 1800

Testamentary charitable giving and the graduated rate estate: A refresher

May 2, 2023 | M. Elena Hoffstein

Social Impact Newsletter

Forms of testamentary charitable giving Charitable gifts made by testators through their wills can take many forms: outright legacies or bequests; a gift of all or part of the residue of the estate; a contingent gift to be made in the […]


Recognizing and enforcing foreign judgments in Alberta

May 2, 2023 | Melissa J. Preston, Danielle M. Bouchard

Commercial Litigation Communiqué

In our increasingly global community, disputes often do not adhere to traditional jurisdictional boundaries. The same holds true for the enforcement of judgments and orders. Increasingly, parties are looking to other provinces or countries to enforce their judgments. However, in […]


Bill C-228 and defined benefit pension plans

April 27, 2023 | Ethan Campbell, David Reynolds, Hugh Wright, Victor Cornea

Financial Services & Restructuring Communiqué

The Canadian Parliament has enacted significant changes to federal insolvency legislation, elevating the priority that must be provided to fund the deficit of a defined benefit pension plan when distributing debtor assets.  Bill C-228, the Pension Protection Act (the “Act”), […]


Security for costs in a construction lien action

April 27, 2023 | Paul Guaragna

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Ontario Edition

Introduction The registration of a construction lien under Ontario’s Construction Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.30 (formerly known as the Construction Lien Act) (the “Act”) is a powerful means of helping contractors and subcontractors to secure, at least in part, a […]


Government of Ontario aims to increase participation of women in construction projects

April 27, 2023 | Arjun Gandhi

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Ontario Edition

There are approximately 600,000 construction workers in Ontario, but only 10 percent of them are women.  In an effort to increase the participation of women in the province’s construction workforce, the Government of Ontario has introduced a number of measures […]


Litigation privilege: A recent review by the Superior Court of Quebec

April 26, 2023 | Jasmine de Guise

MT Insurance Law Blog

In insurance matters, litigation privilege is a frequent principle of law raised by litigators to deny the disclosure of documents. On February 2, 2023, Justice Daniel Dumais of the Superior Court of Quebec adjudicated an objection based on this particular […]


Hydrogen: Hollywood fiction, tax facts, and what’s in it for producers

April 21, 2023 | Brendon G. Ho, Tyson A. Wagner, Joseph W. Yurkovich, KC

Tax Notes

Hollywood loves science fiction and the future.  So-called “genre” films, featuring futuristic scenarios, humans with fantastic supernatural abilities, and new technologies dominate the cinemas and streaming market.  Many commentators have speculated that the enduring fascination with such productions lies in […]


Mathur et al: Youth climate litigation against Ontario government found to be justiciable but dismissed for failing to establish charter violations

April 20, 2023 | Christie A. McLeod, Annafaye Dunbar, Rosemarie Sarrazin

MT Biosphere™

On April 14, 2023, the Ontario Superior Court (the “ONSC”) released its highly-anticipated decision in Mathur et al v His Majesty the King in Right of Ontario [Mathur et al] in which it held that, although the Application raised justiciable […]


Quality is the name of the game: The quest for high-integrity carbon credits in a low-carbon world

April 20, 2023 | Selina Lee-Andersen

MT Biosphere™

Carbon offsetting finds its origins in the late 1980s in an agroforestry project in Guatemala. In the world’s first documented carbon offset project, Applied Energy Services (AES) was looking to mitigate the emissions of a 183 megawatt coal-fired power plant […]


Adjournment applications at critical junctures – A cautionary tale on expert evidence

April 20, 2023 | Tari M. Hiebert, Arsham Gill

Commercial Litigation Communiqué

Introduction and overview The Alberta Court of King’s Bench’s decision in Baldock Estate v Abou Reslan, 2023 ABKB 149 [Baldock Estate], reaffirms the test for granting an adjournment after the commencement of trial and provides insight into the Court’s assessment […]


Displaying 391-400 of 1800


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