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Displaying 1621-1630 of 1800

Insureds Claiming “Diminished Value” Damages under Ontario’s OAP1 Auto Policy [1]

October 11, 2016 | Patricia J. Forte

MT Insurance Law Blog

“Does “damages” in its various manifestations in the OAP, the [Insurance] Act and the Statutory Conditions include Diminished Value? Is …[an insured] estopped from claiming Diminished Value? Is this a contractual claim defined by the statutory policy or does the […]


CRA Revises Position on the Retention of Church Envelopes

September 9, 2016 | Natasha Smith

Social Impact Newsletter

As a condition of charitable registration, charities are required to keep proper books and records.  This requirement not only enables the Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”) to audit charities efficiently, but it also ensures that charities are able to justify and […]


Overview of Record Keeping Obligations for Non-Profit Organizations and Registered Charities

September 9, 2016 | Brendan Burns

Social Impact Newsletter

While non-profit organizations and charities are usually busy carrying out the purposes of their organization, record keeping often takes a back seat to other priorities.  However, good record keeping practices by a non-profit organization or a registered charity should not […]


( Available in French only )

L’hypothèque légale de la construction en 4 étapes

September 1, 2016 | Philip Thibodeau

Construction Newsletter - Quebec

Journal Constructo – 27 Septembre 2016 Bien que la plupart des projets de construction comportent leur lot de défis, il arrive que le plus grand d’entre eux consiste simplement à se faire payer une fois les travaux complétés. Dans un […]


( Available in French only )

Les délais dans un dossier de faillite : en conformité ou pas avec le droit civil?

September 1, 2016 | Stéphane Hébert

Insolvency and Restructuring Newsletter- Quebec

Les délais sont d’une importance primordiale dans le cadre de procédures judiciaires. Le défaut de les respecter peut impliquer le rejet d’une action. Dans l’affaire 9190-0753 Québec Inc. (Syndic de), 2016 QCCS 1983 (29-04-2016), le juge Stephen W. Hamilton a […]


( Available in French only )

L’institution d’un recours en justice après la fin des travaux : trois ans, top chronos !

August 26, 2016 | Marie-Catherine Ayotte

Construction Newsletter - Quebec

Journal Constructo – 26 août 2016 Pour tout donneur d’ouvrage, entrepreneur ou sous-entrepreneur, la détermination du moment où les travaux d’un contrat ont pris fin est une question primordiale et déterminante puisqu’elle a une incidence directe sur le sort de […]


Taking Security on Personal Property: A Glimpse Into Secured Lending in Canada

August 15, 2016 | Eve Tessier, Elleni Tsatoumas

Financial Services & Restructuring Communiqué

In recent years, cross-border transactions have increased in popularity and many of these transactions involve taking security over tangible and intangible personal property. As a result, it is now customary for financial services lawyers to be called upon by clients […]


Zeligs v. Janes: Severing Joint Tenancy

August 2, 2016 | Dwight D. Dee, TEP

Wealth Matters

Joint tenancy is a common form of ownership for family holdings and is often used for estate planning purposes. The main benefit of a joint tenancy is the right of survivorship which provides that when one joint tenant dies, his […]


B.C. Court of Appeal Restores Highest Ever Human Rights Damages Award: Kelly v. University of British Columbia (No. 4), 2013 BCHRT 302 (CanLII)

July 22, 2016 | Nicole Byres, QC

Labour and Employment Communiqué

In early 2014, we reported on a B.C. Human Rights Tribunal decision in which Carl Kelly was awarded $75,000 in damages for injury to dignity, feelings, and self-respect.  This award was and remains the highest amount ever awarded in Canada […]


Case Commentary: Gitxaala Nation v. Canada, 2016 FCA 187

July 14, 2016 | Robin A. Dean

Aboriginal Law Update

Introduction The Northern Gateway Pipeline Project, which has been in the works since 2005, received a major setback on June 23 with the federal court of appeal’s judgment in Gitxaala Nation v. Canada. The court quashed Canada’s approval of the […]


Displaying 1621-1630 of 1800


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