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Displaying 1511-1520 of 1800

Union Certification in Ontario’s Construction Industry: A Primer

August 6, 2019 | Greg Bush, Damien Buntsma

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Ontario Edition

Union certification is the procedure by which a union gains the right to exclusively represent a group of employees in negotiations with an employer. The Labour Relations Act, 1995, S.O. 1995, c.1, Sched. A (“LRA”) governs the union certification process […]


Changes to Employment Laws in Alberta: The Passage of Bill 2 and New Regulations

July 22, 2019 | Teri Treiber

Labour and Employment Communiqué

On May 29, 2019, we provided an overview of Bill 2: An Act to Make Alberta Open for Business, which was introduced by the United Conservative Party (“UCP”) in Alberta shortly after the party came into power earlier this year. […]


Material Misrepresentation and Material Change in Risk: BC Case Commentaries

July 3, 2019 | Karen L. Weslowski

Lloyd's Brief: Canadian Legal Perspectives

Introduction In two recently released cases, the British Columbia Supreme Court considered an insurer’s ability to have an insurance policy declared void ab initio by reason of material misrepresentation and material change in risk.  The insurer was successful in one […]


The Purpose of All Risk Builder’s Insurance

July 3, 2019 | Chris T.J. Blom

Lloyd's Brief: Canadian Legal Perspectives

Construction contracts in Canada typically include a requirement that the builder obtain builder’s risk insurance (often known as All Risk Builder’s insurance) which covers both the builder and the owner of the property in the event of loss arising from […]


( Available in French only )

Frais généraux de chantier – que comporte la liste prévue par règlement ?

June 26, 2019 | Anik Pierre-Louis

Construction Newsletter - Quebec

Journal Constructo – 21 juin 2019 Alors que l’été se pointe à l’horizon, cette chronique nous ramène aux conditions particulièrement froides et rigoureuses de l’hiver 2008-2009. Tous ont alors vécu les affres de travaux effectués en condition hivernale, incluant les […]


Gender Inclusive Facilities

June 24, 2019 | Jason Rivait

MT Condominium & Strata Brief

A recent decision of the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) has provided insight as to who can be held responsible to ensure that common element facilities are inclusive. The applicant, a condominium unit owner, raised the issue of discrimination […]


Connecting Care Act, 2019 is in Force

June 18, 2019 | Kathryn M. Frelick, Christine Morano

Health Communiqué

On June 6, 2019, the Connecting Care Act (CCA) was proclaimed into force. It brings into effect a number of key structural changes that will create the framework for health system transformation in Ontario. Not all of the changes have […]


Advocacy by Canadian Not-For-Profits – Lobbying Rules and Election Advertising

June 13, 2019 | Mary Childs

Social Impact Newsletter

Canadian charities will be aware that there is now no limit on the resources a Canadian charity can devote to “Public Policy Dialogue and Development Activities” (PPDDAs). PPDDAs are non-partisan activities a charity carries on to participate in the public policy […]


Death During a Divorce

June 11, 2019 | J. Allison Barkwell

Wealth Matters

What happens when someone dies after they have separated and before they have divorced or settled the matrimonial property issues?  Does the death of one of the parties end the divorce proceedings?  How is the property divided?  What can a […]


Top Tips for Electronic Registration of Claims for Lien and Certificates of Action

June 4, 2019 | Susan N. Crisp

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Ontario Edition

Previous articles have focused on the legislation governing construction liens and the various pitfalls associated with their preservation and perfection. Equally important is an understanding of the logistics of how liens and certificates of action are registered on title. Below […]


Displaying 1511-1520 of 1800


This blog sets out a variety of materials relating to the law to be used for educational and non-commercial purposes only; the author(s) of this blog do not intend the blog to be a source of legal advice. Please retain and seek the advice of a lawyer and use your own good judgement before choosing to act on any information included in the blog. If you choose to rely on the materials, you do so entirely at your own risk.