
Miller Thomson has uniquely Canadian insights on the latest legal and business trends and developments, and how they affect you and your organization.


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Ontario Court of Appeal upholds Marley v. Salga: 2020 ONCA 104

March 19, 2020 | Stephen Sweeney, TEP

Wealth Matters

In our July 9, 2019, issue of Wealth Matters[1] we discussed the decision of the Ontario Supreme Court in Marley v. Salga.[2] In that lower court decision, the application judge, Mr. Justice Reid, held that an otherwise valid joint tenancy […]


Turning our minds to estate planning and the importance of maintaining an up-to-date estate plan

March 19, 2020 | Jennifer A. N. Corak, Jordyn Allan, Wendi P. Crowe, Sandra L. Enticknap, KC, TEP, Troy McEachren, Nathalie Marchand

Wealth Matters

A number of factors motivate individuals to engage in the estate planning process. Common motivating factors include a change in relationship status, births or deaths in one’s family, a change in net worth and a health diagnosis that turns one’s […]


COVID-19 & IP Offices

March 19, 2020 | Karen Durell, Peter Little

Technology, IP and Privacy Newsletter

Just as other sectors are reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic, so are intellectual property offices around the world (“IP Offices”). The measures that some IP Offices are enacting include providing extensions for some due dates to account for disruption caused […]


COVID-19: Cross country update (March 18, 2020)

March 18, 2020

Labour and Employment Communiqué

Federal The Government of Canada announced a new set of economic measures to help stabilize the economy:  $27 billion in direct support will be given to Canadian workers and businesses.  Highlights include: Support for Canadians 1. Temporary Income Support for […]


COVID-19: Cross country update (as of March 17, 2020)

March 17, 2020

Labour and Employment Communiqué

Over the past 48 hours, numerous measures have been introduced by the federal and provincial governments across Canada, including increased travel restrictions, mandatory closures and other public orders, and announcements relating to leaves of absence.  This bulletin provides a summary […]


Managing COVID-19 in condos

March 17, 2020 | Justin McLarty

MT Condominium & Strata Brief

As the public response to Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) expands, it has become clear that the best course of action to reduce the risk of transmission is to practice social distancing. In addition to impacts on daily life that are quickly becoming […]


When is a “bridge” not a “road”?: The application of The Builders’ Lien Act to overpass projects

March 17, 2020 | Troy Baril, Jonathan Martin

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Western Canada

The Saskatchewan Court of Appeal recently upheld[1] the decision of the Queen’s Bench (“QB”) in PCL Construction Management Inc. v Saskatoon (City).[2] This case is instructive on when The Builders’ Lien Act (“BLA”) will apply to road construction projects – […]


Important clauses in construction contracts – Part 1

March 17, 2020 | Leanna Olson, Lauren M. Toreson

Breaking Ground: MT Construction Law Western Canada

Construction contracts are crucial to mitigating risks for all parties involved and preventing future disputes. However, there are a number of common pitfalls that can be avoided with prior planning and careful drafting. Some key considerations and clauses that construction […]


COVID-19 Pandemic Update: Can my organization be shut down and other questions about public health events and emergency management powers

March 17, 2020 | Kathryn M. Frelick, Alissa Raphael

Health Communiqué

Since the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus, referred to as COVID-19, was originally identified on December 31, 2019 by Chinese health authorities, it has been closely followed internationally by all levels of government, as well as by global, national and […]


Managing COVID-19 in the workplace

March 16, 2020 | Zeinab Yousif, Lisen Bassett

Labour and Employment Communiqué

Overview of the Situation (as of March 15, 2020) The Novel Coronavirus (“COVID-19”) was classified by the World Health Organization as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. At this stage, over 100 countries worldwide have reported cases of COVID-19, including […]


Displaying 1421-1430 of 1800


This blog sets out a variety of materials relating to the law to be used for educational and non-commercial purposes only; the author(s) of this blog do not intend the blog to be a source of legal advice. Please retain and seek the advice of a lawyer and use your own good judgement before choosing to act on any information included in the blog. If you choose to rely on the materials, you do so entirely at your own risk.