Consultations on mandatory labelling of chemicals in consumer products in Canada – Register by March 25, 2022

March 21, 2022 | Jaclyne Reive

Environment and Climate Change Canada and Health Canada are inviting interested parties to provide their input on how information on chemical ingredients in certain consumer products should be disclosed. These ongoing national consultations address mandatory labelling for chemicals in consumer products, including cosmetics, cleaning products, and flame retardants in upholstered furniture, and will be open to stakeholders and the general public for participation registration until March 25, 2022.

These consultations are part of a broader goal under Canada’s Chemicals Management Plan to enhance transparency about information on the presence of chemicals in product supply chains. Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada cite an increasing demand from consumers for readily accessible chemical information to help them make informed decisions. So far, the Government of Canada has taken action to require more explicit labelling of fragrance allergens in cosmetics and plans to publish proposed amendments to the Cosmetic Regulations by summer 2022. By 2023, the Government aims to publish a broader strategy to address policy actions, which could include additional legislation.

Health Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada are looking to hear from different industry and product sectors within supply chains, including manufacturers, importers, formulators, distributors, retailers, purchasers, consumers, disposers and indigenous communities.

To participate, interested parties have been invited to identify themselves via the virtual consultation platform or by email at [email protected] before the deadline. The consultations will take place through a series of workshops and interactive events between now and summer 2022.

Should you have any questions regarding packaging and labelling of consumer products, please feel free to reach out to any member of Miller Thomson’s Marketing, Advertising and Product Compliance team.


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