COVID-19 paid sick leave program for Nova Scotia

May 13, 2021 | Lisa Goodfellow, Jenifer C. Gentle

The Nova Scotia Government has announced a COVID-19 paid sick leave program that will launch on May 26, 2021. Under this program, employees who need to take time off work because of COVID-19 may qualify for up to four paid sick days, including those who need to take time off because they are:

  • waiting to get tested for COVID-19;
  • self-isolating while waiting for test results; or
  • going to get vaccinated.

Eligible employees are those who can’t work remotely and miss less than 50% of their scheduled work time in a one-week period due to COVID-19. Employees who miss more than 50% of their scheduled work week should apply for the Canada Recovery Sickness Benefit.

The four paid sick days do not have to be taken consecutively. The program will cover eligible sick days taken between May 10, 2021, and July 31, 2021.

Under the program, employers and self-employed people can apply for reimbursement up to a maximum of $20 per hour or $160 per day, with the maximum total payment per employee set at $640.  Employees who have sick leave benefits are not eligible. The Nova Scotia Government has indicated that this is a voluntary program for workers, businesses and self-employed people.

For more information, see the Nova Scotia Government’s news release.


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